Poker Texas Hold'em table prop

This is the poker table that i used for PvP Poker Texas Hold’em.
Free to use in your server or projects. Have fun! Virustotal added!

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Script for it dropping soon? i would pay for that 100%


Virus Total suggests otherwise. What software are you using that is detecting this?

What is virus ? it’s just ymap, ytyp… files ?

no virus on my end. have no idea what that guy was talking about lol

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Four players case tested on this table.

Framework ?

iCore, bro

what holdem script are you using?

iPoker for iCore

can this be used on qbcore?

it’s props, can place in every framework

i mean the script. i see you put iPoker for iCore. is that the script? iPoker? can it be used with qbcore?