Please help me.[RPServer] chat block command /spawn

  1. chat command /spawn [carname]
    problem :
    The general user can pull out all vehicles.
    I want to stop the general public from using the command.
    This problem causes a severe leg on the server.
    Do you have a script that can block the command?
    I need help.

Find the script that makes this command and change the command in the server.lua

i had this problem about 2 weeks ago , and making own script for blocking it, im gonna paste it here


AddEventHandler('spawnCommand', function(args)
            TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "^1SYSTEM : ", {255, 0, 0}, "^1BLOCKED COMMAND")


RegisterCommand('spawn', function(source, args, user)
	TriggerClientEvent('spawnCommand', source,args)

start the resource above all your script

no work help my