PlayerTrust is a trust system based on checking the joining players’ steam profile stats, this aims to prevent cheaters with new accounts joining and cheating on your server, this system includes:
- Blacklisting players with VAC Bans
- Whitelisting Players with old VAC Bans
- Account Age check
- Minimum FiveM Playtime
- Minimum Owned Games
- Minimum Total Playtime ( on all games )
Players who do not meet all ( activated ) requirements will be prevented from entering the server, an example declination could look like this:
image taken from a newly created steam account
( no newlines as FiveM deferrals don’t support these yet, elementsplsfix )
- A FiveM Server
- A Steam API Key
Configuration is done using the “config.json” file
You will need to add an API Key by generating one from, without this key, PlayerTrust will not function
This will Enable or Disable VAC Ban checks.
This dictates the maximum amount of VAC Bans a player can have before being declined.
If the “Days Since last Ban” Count is bigger than the value here, the bans will be ignored.
This will Enable or Disable the Account Age check.
Minimum Account Age, in Unix Time Format
Minium Account Age, in English. ( to add to the reason in case of declination )
This will Enable or Disable the Minimum Playtime check, based on Source SDK Base 2007 Playtime.
The Minimum Time a Player should have played Source SDK Base 2007 for them to be able to join the server.
This will Enable or Disable the Minimum Owned Games check, based on total owned games on steam.
The Minimum Games a player should own on their Steam Account to be able to join the server.
The Minimum Amount a player should have played games on steam, takes all game playtimes and merges them into one, enter 0 to disable
The Maximum amount of strikes a player can have before being declined, for example:
If a player has 10 games on their steam account but has more than 2 VAC Bans and MaxStrikes is set to 2, then they will still be allowed, however, if their account is less than 4 months old and has 2 VAC Bans, they will still be declined as their strikes are equal (or more than) 2 MaxStrikes
Finally, a download
some random element on the fivem discord: idea
Me: Most of the Code
IllusiveTea: Code and Research
Have Fun!