Playerblips for Jobs

So I’ve been searching and thinking about making a script that would be pretty handy for my server, but since the fact I’m new to LUA. I really don’t know how to get started.

To make my explanation a bit easier I will do it with an example:

I want to make a script that check’s which job u have. And if you have for example the police job, you are able to see the playerblips of everyone who has the same job. But noone else.

i found this on esx_policejob not my code but here it is anyways and you can find the rest on their github`function createBlip(id)
local ped = GetPlayerPed(id)
local blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)

if not DoesBlipExist(blip) then -- Add blip and create head display on player
    blip = AddBlipForEntity(ped)
    SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
    ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, true) -- Player Blip indicator
    SetBlipRotation(blip, math.ceil(GetEntityHeading(ped))) -- update rotation
    SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, id) -- update blip name
    SetBlipScale(blip, 0.85) -- set scale
    SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)
    table.insert(blipsCops, blip) -- add blip to array so we can remove it later
