Hi, i need to get the playerid for a server side command but after hours i can’t seem to make it work so im here for help thanks for your time . Here is the code needing it
On the server side you can use source for the playerID in your example you renamed it to src
Now i get this error code
Can you post what you have done in the script?
Can you copy the post in here not only a picture
whats the post ?
qb-busjob.rar (31.3 KB)
thas my whole script
i fixed it i needed to write it like this TriggerClientEvent(‘xperience:client:addXP’, src, 100)
if you send from server to client
first you need target
so target here = source
then what script need activate
TriggerClientEvent(src, ‘xperience:client:addXP’
and argument
TriggerClientEvent(src, ‘xperience:client:addXP’, 100)