💩 Player Hygiene - Shower , Poop , Pee

Please fix it hud is not work. Error here

you should shower you smell but overall great

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I am trying to use renzu_status and basic needs gives me this error


When using my status basic needs events for all status need to be commented out.

I’ve added a custom status “strength” on renzu_status but for some reason it starts out filled and not at 0 like stress :frowning:

cant tell whats the issue there,
and this is not a player hygiene related at all sorry
i dont think i can help you with this

and also you are using other HUD which i dont know it might conflict with the renzu_status, why not use esx_status instead?

the renzu_status is made for renzu_hud to support standalone purpose.

if you need more help ,message me if its regarding the renzu_status,

I made it work no problem, I use your status cause I like its config more :smiley:

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can i ask how you got the flies to swarm when player hygiene is low? i am working on a similar script for my server.

The script is open source

You can look it at on client files.

Who can help me set it up I’m confused.

whats confusing?

just download it and setup it with the latest esx_status.

register the hygiene status via esx_status or basicneeds wrapper

and start it

I set everything up but all the needs like eating drinking or the hygiene doesn’t work now. players can’t eat or drink anymore.

the problem is your esx_status or basicneeds

this script adds new Status only and bring effect if status value == 0

Is it possible to use this script in VRPEX?

Hello can qbcore use this ?

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I’m also awaiting a response to this :face_with_monocle:

i have found parts of it work but i cant get the ui to work so i cannot see the status… currently iv only see the status sql for “ES”… we can spawn props and use them but no hud and no way to track your needs… hopes this helps … hopefully we can get a more complete version for qb :slight_smile:

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would be nice if you coulld just add a /command like /renzustats or something with a notification telling you out of 100% what your stat is at so this can be compatible with other huds. or even a notification evertime a stat goes down 20% letting you know where ur at.


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does this work with qbcore