Fivem Hygiene System - ( Hygiene, Poop, Pee ) as status addon for [renzu_hud]
Player Hygiene,
i created this for fun several months ago , been used in my private RP server,
now i am releasing it i hope someone might find this useful or funny for your RP server.
Funny Feature
- Add Poop Status if Hunger status is added (status) ex. eating burger
- Add Pee Status if Thirst status is added (status) ex. drinking water
- Hygiene is Decreasing over a time you can config it @config.lua
- Bad Hygiene Player ( zero hygiene status ) will be swarmed by FLIES.
- Player nearby to Bad Hygiene Player will gain a stress status and reduced a little of health.
- Items to Add Hygiene Status ( example: bodyspray )
- all is configurable @ config.lua
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Using Prop Base
- this demo i am using bob_74 ipl to load the apartment
Sample Config
{pos = vector3(-803.74468994141,335.79489135742,220.9154486084), particle = "ent_amb_car_wash_jet", xRot = -180.0, nextWait = 0, h=257.05}, -- this one is IPL from bob_74 ipl
Installation and Setup
- Step 1
- Download renzu_hygiene
- Download renzu_hud
- Download renzu_status
- Download renzu_notify
- Download renzu_popui
- Step 2
- Copy the config renzu_hygiene/renzu_hud_config/status.lua to → renzu_hud/conf/status.lua
Coords config
- when setting up a coordinates for shower and toilet.
- heading is important to toilet and shower
- just copy the current corrdinates example: if you are near to toilet and shower heading must be looking to the shower/toilet.
- adjusting original Z for shower a + 0.5 will do
important at config to setup
config.poostatus = 'poop' -- registered status name
config.peestatus = 'pee' -- registered status name
config.hygienestatus = 'hygiene' -- registered status name
config.badhygienestatus_effect = 'stress' -- a status name to be affected if your hygiene is 0 (other player will experience this not the bad hygiened player)
config.badhygiene_effect_value = 1000 -- value to remove/add in status if some bad hygiened player is nearby
config.badhygiene_hp_effect = 3 -- minus this value to players sorrounding hp
config.thirst_to_pee = 50 -- thirst to pee convertion, pee will add if you gain thirst (ex. from drinking water item)
config.hunger_to_poo = 50 -- hunger to poo convertion, poo will add if you gain hunger (ex. from eating burger item)
config.showerprop = { – prop list add as many as you want
'ligoshower', -- custom prop
config.toiletprop = { – prop list add as many as you want
/pee (for female and male) (need to be standing and facing to toilet specially for women)
- target purpose
TriggerEvent(‘renzu_hygiene:takepoop’,PlayerPedId(),false, PROPENTITY)
TriggerEvent(‘renzu_hygiene:takeshower’,PlayerPedId(),false,false, PROPENTITY)
- GitHub - renzuzu/renzu_hud: Fivem HUD - UI Framework include Street HUD, Status Hud, Speedometer Hud, Weapon Hud, Body Hud and many more.
- GitHub - renzuzu/renzu_status: Standalone Status System. Based on ESX - Converted to Standalone Framework
- GitHub - renzuzu/renzu_notify: FIVEM SIMPLE NOTIFY SYSTEM
- GitHub - renzuzu/renzu_popui
- ESX for items (OPTIONAL)
optional for you to do
- edit renzu_hud/conf/status.lua
- set all hygiene/poo/pee status to hideifmax = true
- the status will only show if its 50%
- adjust the distance for popui renzu_hygiene/client.lua
- not use renzu_hud and implement the hygiene status to your esx_status or other framework and hud.
- when using other status like esx_status: you might need to reconfigured the config @ hygiene