💩 Player Hygiene - Shower , Poop , Pee


Fivem Hygiene System - ( Hygiene, Poop, Pee ) as status addon for [renzu_hud]


Player Hygiene,
i created this for fun several months ago , been used in my private RP server,
now i am releasing it i hope someone might find this useful or funny for your RP server.


Funny Feature :poop:

  • Add Poop Status if Hunger status is added (status) ex. eating burger
  • Add Pee Status if Thirst status is added (status) ex. drinking water
  • Hygiene is Decreasing over a time you can config it @config.lua
  • Bad Hygiene Player ( zero hygiene status ) will be swarmed by FLIES.
  • Player nearby to Bad Hygiene Player will gain a stress status and reduced a little of health.
  • Items to Add Hygiene Status ( example: bodyspray )
  • all is configurable @ config.lua

Video Preview

Using Prop Base

Watch 2021-08-08 23-07-47 | Streamable

  • this demo i am using bob_74 ipl to load the apartment

Sample Config

{pos = vector3(-803.74468994141,335.79489135742,220.9154486084), particle = "ent_amb_car_wash_jet", xRot = -180.0, nextWait = 0, h=257.05}, -- this one is IPL from bob_74 ipl

Installation and Setup

  • Step 1
  • Download renzu_hygiene
  • Download renzu_hud
  • Download renzu_status
  • Download renzu_notify
  • Download renzu_popui
  • Step 2
  • Copy the config renzu_hygiene/renzu_hud_config/status.lua to → renzu_hud/conf/status.lua

Coords config

  • when setting up a coordinates for shower and toilet.
  • heading is important to toilet and shower
  • just copy the current corrdinates example: if you are near to toilet and shower heading must be looking to the shower/toilet.
  • adjusting original Z for shower a + 0.5 will do

important at config to setup

config.poostatus = 'poop' -- registered status name
config.peestatus = 'pee' -- registered status name
config.hygienestatus  = 'hygiene' -- registered status name
config.badhygienestatus_effect = 'stress' -- a status name to be affected if your hygiene is 0 (other player will experience this not the bad hygiened player)
config.badhygiene_effect_value = 1000 -- value to remove/add in status if some bad hygiened player is nearby
config.badhygiene_hp_effect = 3 -- minus this value to players sorrounding hp
config.thirst_to_pee = 50 -- thirst to pee convertion, pee will add if you gain thirst (ex. from drinking water item)
config.hunger_to_poo = 50 -- hunger to poo convertion, poo will add if you gain hunger (ex. from eating burger item)

config.showerprop = { – prop list add as many as you want

'ligoshower', -- custom prop

config.toiletprop = { – prop list add as many as you want



/pee (for female and male) (need to be standing and facing to toilet specially for women)

  • target purpose

TriggerEvent(‘renzu_hygiene:takepoop’,PlayerPedId(),false, PROPENTITY)
TriggerEvent(‘renzu_hygiene:takeshower’,PlayerPedId(),false,false, PROPENTITY)


optional for you to do

  • edit renzu_hud/conf/status.lua
  • set all hygiene/poo/pee status to hideifmax = true
  • the status will only show if its 50%
  • adjust the distance for popui renzu_hygiene/client.lua
  • not use renzu_hud and implement the hygiene status to your esx_status or other framework and hud.
  • when using other status like esx_status: you might need to reconfigured the config @ hygiene

wooow finally something is awesome only one thing bothers me is that it is tied to a hub and you can’t just use it like that


Respect for making this free. Would be cool to be able to use it with other huds too though :smiley:


One issue i have to add 4 scripts with this to work other then that great release man


How about a QBCore version of this? would be lovely :stuck_out_tongue:


great script but could you make it to where it pulls all shower props and toilets kinda like the HD_Cooking Ill pay for that

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Unfurtunately there is no shower prop in gta that the same with the demo.
Its actually would work in other hud.
Its mention in your to do. In my post.
But you have to understand how esx status registered which i think most of you guys know it

The 4 script is dependency and optional if you can make insert your own ex. Notify, use own hud use own esx status. Which most dev i think have it on their server

Nice job. But also add the posibility to use objects would be awesome during to some housing systems etc which dont use ipls and fixed positions for players. gj


i am actually creating a prop for shower now, it will be a stream version since no basegame shower prop is good for housing.
so it can be used to spawn in housing script


Hey this is awesome!!

Instead of xyz locations for toilets showers and sinks, could we perhaps use props instead?

Oh and if you do, make sure the prop search (nearest object) only happens after using the command. Or else its a lot of lag

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Great job,

Can you add the possibility of holding objects?

E.g in the toilet she hold the toilet paper?

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Can you help me?

use renzu_status if you cant make it work with esx_status


Added Custom Prop @ stream folder (do not restart script if prop is spawned or stream this somewhere)
i just pushed an update regarding the request from @UltraTM
but its not yet 100% perfect but its working.

Normal using PopUI need config.enablepropbase = true
setup this config for the list of your props

config.showerprop = { – prop list add as many as you want

'ligoshower', -- custom prop


config.toiletprop = { – prop list add as many as you want



  • Target purpose

targeting can be used too as optional (make sure to disable config.enablepropbase to disable the popui)

TriggerEvent(‘renzu_hygiene:takepoop’,PlayerPedId(),false, PROPENTITY)
TriggerEvent(‘renzu_hygiene:takeshower’,PlayerPedId(),false,false, PROPENTITY)

you need to replace this PROPENTITY with the entity


You’re awesome man. :heart_eyes:

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I use both esx_status and renzuu_status

You cant use both,
Both have the same event names
But different function
As you can see from your error its from esx status

Im unistall renzu_status but not work me renzu_hud can you sned me renzu_hud on esx_status?

If you want to use another hud and esx status
I have push an update to support esx status ontick event

Let me know if it work. Im in mobile now sorry

Make sure the new status are registered to your esx status

TriggerEvent('esx_status:getStatus', 'hunger', function(status)
     hunger = status.getPercent()

where i can get the same for poop, pee, etc, so i can put them in my hud