Pl-drugdealer - NPC DRUG SELLING [ESX] [PAID]



  1. No pre-existing NPCs needed on the server.
  2. Sell unlimited drugs to the NPC or apply selling limit
  3. Drug price will be configured as in config.lua
  4. Occasionally, your product may be declined by customers.
  5. Adjust the police alert chance or completely disable it
  6. Full Discord Logs
  7. Highly optimized script 0.00ms while not using.

Supported Inventories :

All ESX Based Inventories such as ox_inventory, esx_inventoryhud, qs-inventory e.t.c

[FiveM Asset Escrow System]

This resource is using the Asset Escrow system.

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~500
Requirements ox_lib, es_extended
Support Yes

So… this GitHub - xxxstasiek/stasiek_selldrugsv2: Second version of Fivem selldrugs script but with a menu? :sweat_smile:

Damn no wonder its escrowed :smile: