Pillbox beds



with this you can lay on ALL the bed in pillbox hospital E to lay down and X to get back up

***100% cred goes to @Ylle for the script ***

proof of credit given

[want the pillbox-beds-with-heal then visit pillbox-beds-with-heal (thanks to @Rvn)
HERE is a video of the pillbox beds with heal https://streamable.com/1kweh ]


Lookin good i will try

Thank you!

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Nice script man :smiley:

Is it possible to do so players get health when lying on the bed ?


I think there is a script already like that this is for rp

if I can find it sure

is there a script that give health to players when they lie down on the beds ?

can u maybe send me a link to that script i can`t seem to find it :smiley:

thanks :smiley:

I cant find it dude I know with the script im talking about you go to the desk press e and it spawns you lay on a bed and a doc come over once finished your back to full health

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hmm oka thanks for trying tho :smiley:

but is it possible to do with this script ? :slight_smile:

onece I have finished with the other stuff im doing il have a look into it

that would be great im looking forward to it :smiley:

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You’re talking about this script?

I think it is do u have a link to it ?

is this the one that you have to got to the front desk first ??

this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5UkKwWks78&feature=youtu.be

give out ? i want @Smerfik

thats a nice script is it released ?


My pillbox hospital has a lot of map bugs. Can you please send me your map ? Thank you.

sad :frowning: do you have plans to release it ?