Pickup_props {Standalone}

This is a standalone script that allows you to be able to pick up different props around los santos, also you can put the props inside the trunks of vehicles. This is great for roleplay. Just add the prop to the config. you can find props here. https://gtahash.ru/

Video here pickup_props on Vimeo
Buy Here https://modern-life-webshop.tebex.io/category/1816235


Need to login on Vimeo to see video, sadly.

just create an acount it takes 2 sec

It’s amazing!!! Will buy soon

Great script! , have a few question:

How much to consume when in use and disuse? (Resmon)

The props you take out are synchronized with other players?

After a restart los props they return to their original position.?

This would be good to know.