Pickle's Boxing & MMA System | ESX, QB, and Standalone Support!

More Information & Scripts can be found here!


What is this?

This is an innovative and unique system for fans of boxing and mma sports.

It has all your needs, from skill-based fighting (yes, no more glitch punching) to broadcast-style scenes.


  • Innovative Combat System
    • Prevents spam punching, glitch punching, etc.
    • Adds a cooldown on each combat action (punching, countering) to make matches skill-based.
  • Fighter Customization
    • Players can set their stage name, age, height, weight, and their fighter photo.
    • They are also able to set their preferred emotes for their intro, win, and loss animations.
    • This will utilize a prefix command (configurable in config),  for example "boxing" would be executed by default as "/e boxing".
  • Knockout System
    • Minigame that requires the spamming of the [E] button to get back up.
    • Which gets progressively harder as the player tries to recover with less simulated health.
  • Broadcast-style Scenes
    • Introduces each match with a birds-eye view of the ring, along with both fighter's stats being displayed.
    • Both players are shown on screen for a brief period that allows them to perform their "Intro" animation that they selected.
    • At the end of the match, it shows the two players side-by-side with a NPC referee and will perform their win / loss animations.
  • Match Customization
    • You are able to change the fight type (boxing, mma), rounds, round length, and the event name shown in the broadcast scenes.
  • Global Records
    • Every fighter's record and information is stored on the database, and can be retrieved for the "Top Fighters" list.
    • This list consists of the Top 10 Fighters in your server, sorted by wins.
  • And more!


  • The only requirement is ox_lib and mysql.
  • This resource is standalone and works with ESX, QB, or any other framework you use.


Rename the folder to “pickle_boxing”.
Go to the “_INSTALL” folder.
Install the SQL for the database table.
Restart the server.

Ready to download?

Escrow Subscription Pack (Boxing & MMA, Jobs, Crafting, and more for only $29.99/mo):


Escrow Version ($24.95):


Tags: fivem boxing script, fivem mma script, esx boxing, qb boxing, gta boxing, gtarp boxing

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~2000
Requirements Ox Lib
Support Yes

This looks amazing.!! Def getting this and a few others

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Love the script, mate. UI is amazing, like the real thing.

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This is uber clean, guessing location is configurable?

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Correct, and supports more than one!

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Great release!

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Yo what map is used in the preview?

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gabz mba

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Awesome script highly recommend this. Game changer Well done pickle. Thanks for having me on to help test :slight_smile:

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Innovative script dude :O, this looks amazing!

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Thank you for the kind words!

Update v1.1.0

  • Added an addon prop which is a retexture of the default boxing glove to use the PFC logo, thanks @TheRealMrNewb!
  • Added joinPermissions property to restrict fighter access to job / ace / group permissions, works same as permissions property.
  • Fixed syncing issues where it would try to perform scenes on clients not nearby the ring.
  • Fixed calculation of wins during scenarios where the score is tied but the game ends with knockout.

To download this update, re-download this resource from keymaster!


nice gloves and awesome update :smiley:

1 Like

Thanks for helping with the gloves!

Can I use fighting style globally or only during matches?

What do you mean by fighting style?

Being able to block it says blocking is that a native gta function I missed?

You can already block in-game, this script makes it so that there are cooldowns on fight actions as a fighter in-ring.

It makes the fight mechanic more skill-based rather than people spam punching or holding block to avoid all punches.

How do you block?

Hold spacebar.