Phoenix RP | Semi-serious RP | Custom scripts | CAD/MDT | EUP menu | Custom peds/vehicles | K9 Script | FAA

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If you decide to join our community, please use the Discord link below! We hope to see you soon.

P.s If you do decide to join our Discord, when you enter say, “Servermom brought me here” That’s our way of knowing this Ad works :wink:

Discord: click here
Website: Coming Soon!

EUP menu has now been added!

Custom made State uniform has now been added! Come check it out!

Sheriff ped and vehicles now added!


Officer Jameston, who is currently finishing up the Police Academy in real life, is seen here keeping the highways safe by running radar. He offers real life experience for each and every training session he holds. Come see for yourself!

Another one of our officers on duty, rocking his new uniform with the EUP menu alongside the new LSPD vehicles. Looking good, Officer Squid!

K9 Diesel and Commissioner Spencer on a traffic stop where they found multiple baggies of weed and lock picks. Needless to say but the driver of this vehicle didn’t spend his night at home :wink:

New paintball script added! Come join the Phoenix community in an immersive battle of paintball!

Server still alive? Discord invite seem to have expired.

Hey there! Unfortunately this server was closed a long time ago, my fault for not taking this post down. However, if you are interested in joining a FiveM community, I highly suggest checking out my new server which you can find here: *OPEN INTERVIEWS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!* 🔵 Priority Role Play | Sheriff's Office | CAD | Civilian | Dispatch | Serious/Professional | ELS | Whitelist | PULL OVER AI \ 18+ |

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