Pfister Vinewood Dealership - AZA3D

The state of the art Pfister dealership in a prime location, Vinewood!

With a northern entrance and parking from Eclipse Boulevard with an eastern double exit entrance from/to Las Lagunas Boulevard this business is sure to be a hit with upmarket clientele looking to launder show off their newly acquired wealth!

The modern wall to wall glass exterior is not only an architectural statement to Pfister as a brand but is an exquisite addition to one of the most beautiful parts of Los Santos. The full glass exterior allows for a full showcase to all passersby of both stories of automotive-art, cementing Pfister as an aspiration to all who can one day go inside and be seen by others to be able to afford a Pfister.

Inside the marble interior supports a second floor made of a block of solid marble imported from Milan, accessed only by a spiral staircase of glass and a vehicle elevator that is used only in the most luxurious circumstances.

The Executive Meeting Room has soundproof 30cm thick sound proof glass that allows for the open consideration of profit maximisation strategies by management offering stunning views of Los Santos and is widely considered to be the ideal elevation required to look down on commoners without being reminded too much of ants.

Security has bas been engineered into the buildings materials and design. The outside glass used is of the highest grade anti shatter glass, it is however advised not to touch it before making food, or to be near it, at all… but it does its job super well!

The main entrance double doors have been procured to only work one way in order to mitigate the chances of a theft attempt, for this reason it is advised that management keeps the garage entrance locked at all times when not in use.

The Dealership has a number of CCTV cameras and also a contract with Top Flight Security that provides an unarmed security guard to further prevent theft attempts.

Technical Details

Standalone Elevator

This script allows for the full real-time visual transportation of a vehicle from one level to another within the dealership, both ways! Meaning that if you have a vehicle persistence script you can use any vehicle as a display vehicle by driving it into the dealership and onto the elevator

If you do not have a vehicle persistence script and/or you want to use a script like JG-Dealerships to display your vehicle you can do that too, and so you get use out of the lift simply set the purchased vehicle spawn to be upstairs so customers can drive it on and be moved down.

To activate the elevator you can use target on the elevator buttons or /liftmenu

Made specifically for this MLO by Presi of Reaper Development

This MLO is highly optimised, it changes a total of 33 game files for maximum optimisation these have mostly had things deleted (300+ entities), there is almost nothing moved under the map.

Textures are almost entirely in a .YTD and are of small sizes folder to ensure minimum file size while offering some degree of customizability

Total of 25 new files added, the total size of the download you will receive from tebex is just 34mb including the elevator script and asset.

No measurable framerate drop detected on mid range pc (Ryz5,16gbRAM,6750xt).

Please note: Frame rate will drop slightly on client end with many cars in one place but shouldn’t be an issue if less than 20, but I use a lot and still hit 50+FPS

A number of interior and exterior LODS have been made to preserve the visual quality whilst maintaining performance

The Pfister Vinewood Dealership is compatible with all nearby MLOs other than those that affect the Eclipse Lounge which is the pub directly next door. (The one with Dusche billboard on top)

Known Issues
It’s possible to get the lift stuck if you right click and left click the button at the same time, being worked on, currently fixed by restart.

:heavy_dollar_sign:Purchase: Here
:heavy_dollar_sign:Showcase: Here
:film_strip:Lift Demo: Here
Join the Discord: Here

For included Realtime Lift script
(please note this is not a Bundle the lift is specifically made for this MLO and is not useful or offered separately)
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based |No |
| Lines (approximately) | 250 |
| Requirements | QB-Core, ESX, Qbox |
| Support | Yes |

For Dealership MLO
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| MLO | Yes |
| Number of rooms | 1 |
| Number of entities | 140 |
| Requirements & dependencies | QB-Core, ESX, Qbox |
| Support | Yes |

Added walkaround video to show functionality

Updated to 1.2 as of 25/03/2025

  • Target (qb and ox) added (added in 1.1 but I forgot to post the update on forum)
  • Lift getting stuck fixed
  • UI improved to single click up/down/stop functionality
  • Code rewritten to use statebags to ensure consistent position and movement across players