Permission check not working: attempt to call a nil value (global 'IsPlayerAceAllowed')

Hey! I coded a car spawning scipt for a server. Now I wanted to add a permission check so not everyone can spawn a car. Only the ones with the “easyadmin” permission should be allowed to. When I tested the script on my localhost server, it said: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘IsPlayerAceAllowed’). Of course Neither the car spawns or it shows the error message that i have no perms.
This is my client.lua:

RegisterCommand('car', function(source, args, rawCommand)

local car = args[1]
local player = PlayerPedId()
local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(player, 0.0, 2.5, 0.5))
local playerHead = GetEntityHeading(player)

if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "easyadmin") then --permission check

    if car == nil then car = "adder" --default car (adder) when no car model is given

        carhash = GetHashKey(car)
        if not HasModelLoaded(carhash) then
            Notify("Fahrzeug konnte nicht geladen werden. Crash verhindert.") --Error message (Car couldn't load / wrong model name.)

            local spawnedcar = CreateVehicle(carhash, x, y, z, playerHead)
            SetVehicleNumberPlateText(spawnedcar, "MoonLife") --car plate text
            SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(spawnedcar, 118, 32, 216) --car primary color (violette)
            SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(spawnedcar, 118, 32, 216) --car sec color (violette)
            SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(spawnedcar, 0, true) 
            SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(spawnedcar, 1, true)
            SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(spawnedcar, 2, true)
            SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(spawnedcar, 3, true)
            SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(spawnedcar, 118, 32, 216) --car neon color (violette)
            SetVehicleEngineOn(spawnedcar, true, true) --car spawns with turned on engine
            SetPedIntoVehicle(player, spawnedcar, -1) --player automatically drives the car after spawning it
            Notify("Erfolgreich gespawnt!") --notification text after spawning the car


        Notify("Keine Rechte!") --Error Message (Player has o permissions!)


function Notify(msg) --Notification settings (DO NOT CHANGE!)
        DrawNotification(false, false)

my fxmanifest.lua:

fx_version 'cerulean'
game 'gta5'

author 'Tonay'
description 'Car Spawner'
version '1.0.0'

client_script 'client.lua'

Please help me with that thing… I really need it. Also I really wanna use the easyadmin ace-permission and not a new one.

To the best of my knowledge “IsPlayerAceAllowed” is a server native, you would have to send an event to the server and check it that way.

I think the better way to do it is make the command on the server side and create the entity on the server

How do I do that? can u give me a script example or smth pls? ^^

RegisterCommand("car", function(source, args)
    local car = args[0] or "adder"
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(source)
    local coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
    local veh = Citizen.InvokeNative(GetHashKey("CREATE_AUTOMOBILE"),  GetHashKey(car), coords)
    TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(GetPlayerPed(source), veh, -1) --<<--- Warp into driver seat
end, true) --<<--- Setting this to true means they need ace permission ''

This is assuming you’re using onesync as you should be, spawning entitiy on the server with CREATE_AUTOMOBILE means it’s a server owned entity so it shouldn’t despawn and it exists instantly so you don’t need to load the model or anything.

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