People keep timing out from my server

I have a home hosted server, the scripts and all works great and people play with good ping.

But for some reason, people keep timing out. And it’s more than usual, what could be the reason? What could be some solutions?

Let me look into my crystal ball


We need more information than just that. It could be a million things.

Feel free to ask about any information, i’m not really sure as to what info to give :confused:

Multiple reasons.

  1. Home Hosted. Most servers have a stable 500mbs to 1gbit connections.
  2. its running on m y guess is your desktop which has tons of processes that wouldnt run on a server which could interfere.
  3. Just get a server from zap hosting. Ive had one for a month and its great for small servers. and super cheap.

It’s hosted in a professional environment on a drive that consists only of the server so that is not an issue.

The connection shouldn’t be a problem either, it’s a 1000/1000 connection.

Well ofcourse i can get a zap hosting server but i already have a server.

I do appreciate you taking the time to answer, i will look into the connection thing, though i dont think that’ll be the problem

Agreed that the solution isn’t to always get a Zap host. It’s open source software, take advantage of it being free, especially if you have existing hosting/VPS.

Does the process stop or do anything on your server? Anything in the logs? Are you on Linux or Windows? What are some system specs?
I had an issue where the MySQL service was crashing, which caused a disconnect to the users that appeared as a timeout.

Hi thanks for the response!

The proccesses keeps going fine as usual, there is nothing wrong with that part.

It is hosted on a windows machine, i do not have any speficit specs of the hosting pc but it’s enough to power what ever i throw at it.

Do the timeouts happen on a vanilla FiveM server? Try disabling any resources that didn’t come in the original FiveM package. This will tell you if it’s an issue with an add on resource (most likely, tbh), or if it’s an issue with the host configuration.

Alright! I will do that as soon as i get some free time and get back with you with the results!

If it’s a host issue, I won’t be much help… I only stand up Linux servers and am not familiar with Windows Server.

If it’s a resource, narrow down the resource and then see if anyone else has the same problem. I’d start with any frameworks you use (EssentialMode, vRP, esx, etc.) first, and then go from there. I’d guess something server side is being called too frequently and causing a disconnect.

Yeah i agree with this. originally esx did this for me when i first started with it. Also Addon cars can cause this but its rare. and wont happen if the car packs are made correctly.