Ped Pool Dump issue

Our server has been having this issue lately, but we’ve tried many things to fix it.

There are certain areas in the city where you’re almost guaranteed to crash with this “Ped Pool Dump”.
Some instance have 180+ seagulls, so I was wondering if the seagulls were the issue, and if so, is there a way to disable seagulls from loading in the server?

Apologies if this is the wrong section.


I’m having the same issue, and it’s quite surprissing why it happens to me.

When players get inside the server, a Michael ped appears at coordinates (0,0,0). Looks like when people is loading the spawn, lots of npcs appear around that Michael ped, what makes impossible to run inside that area.

I hope this gets a fix soon, maybe updating artifacts makes the trick, but not even removing all AI this gets solved.

Hi, any update? Having same issue. Every 5/10 seconds, 180 seagulls spawn near central bank/los santos customs and crashing with the ped pool space crash.

Same problem encountered if someone has the solution

Brother, did you solve this bug? I have and have the same problem :pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

any solution ?

No jajaj

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I fixed this by going into my FiveM application data > citizen > common > data > and finding the gameconfig.xml file (You can open this up with Notepad). Then I searched for “streamped req data” and replaced the number with a much larger number.

the size value just resets after I go into fivem, after I’ve changed the value

Strange, it worked for me. I could suggest you try redoing it over until it catches it again. Something might be overwriting the files thus causing it to reset.

Otherwise it could more than likely be a client sided or possibly even server sided script that’s conflicting and causing those crashes. Make sure you check more inside the crash log file, I know they’re really vague but it helped us out definitely.

Try this in a client.lua

    while true do
        SetPedModelIsSuppressed(GetHashKey("a_c_seagull"), true)