[PED] Fat American Cop

Fat American Cop is now available for Fivem
This addon ped (based on the popular a_m_m_farmer_01 ped) gives you a fat cop that you can play! You can repaint the textures as like.

Get him now and double up on the donuts!

Be a Sheriff and bring safety to those out on the highways. Featuring both long and short sleeve.

Or patrol downtown in this LSPD costume. Featuring both long and short sleeve.

Why not go out on a crime scene in this cool civil costume?

Do interrogations and deep office work in this suit!

You also have many different civil outfits to chose from.

And finally… when the ultimate duty calls. Knock down those doors in this SWAT uniform.


  • Police Los Santos Department – Long/short sleeve
  • Police California Highway Patrol / Sheriff – Long/short sleeve
  • Police civilian
  • Swat Set
  • Suit
  • Casual Jeans & shirt
  • “Dad Outfit” for days on the beaches
  • Undressed, Underpants.
  • Winter jacket


  • Face with several different textures
  • 4 hair styles - with several different textures
  • 5 pcs Pants, with several textures
  • 7 pcs Tops, several textures
  • 3 vests, Police bulletproofvest and Sheriff Vest + Swat
  • 2 Belts (civil & interventional)
  • 1 earpiece
  • 2 Hats
  • 2 helmets (swat, motorcycle)
  • 3 sunglasses
  • Clock
  • Mask
  • Leg Holster

Purchase on tebex: https://fivem.lagstiftarn.com/package/5998521
Price: 29 EUR

(badges and decals shown on images can be from other variants I’ve made, such as a Swedish police one. Packages contains only LSPD / CHP badges).

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support YES
Escrow YES
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does this have an additional YMT with it replacing a ingame PED model?

It is replacing the a_m_m_farmer_01 driving a tractor around Sandy. It’s not an addon ped yet. Working on it however.

Any update on it not being a replace ped? Kinda sucks having the ped spawn around the sandy with half police stuff on

Yea I know. It’s in the scope for the next update. I don’t know when it will be ready but I will post about it here.

AFAIK the ped only spawns in a tractor. I know some clients that have managed to turn that spawn off in the traffic of Sandy (mostly for other reasons though).

30 dollars for a ped made with rockstar assets from other peds? Thats a high price to ask for using someone else’s assets to make a profit.

It’s now an addon ped so no more issues with it spawning around Sandy.

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Update on your previous question. The ped is now an addon ped so it’s not replacing an existing that spawns in game.

Thanks for your feedback. With Tebex I pay 15% of my earnings to Fivem (now Rockstar owned) which is a reasonable royalty to use their eco system. a_m_m_farmer_01 ped is a very popular one to mod and it’s a little sad that the standard one doesn’t have more. Hence, why I provided it to a free market. Of course I’d like to make a little extra buck of my efforts, and I don’t mind sharing it with Rockstar.

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@lagstiftarn can i rock a mullet on him? If so, ill buy it right now


You cannot edit 3D model. But textures are fine :wink:

Will you also make a norwegian version of this one, since you have swedish and dannish? If so, when will it be available? :slight_smile:

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Hi Villy! Sorry for late response here. I’ve got no plan to add that atm due to time constraints. However, the textures are open so feel free to pick the swedish or the danish one and repaint it. I think the danish one is closest to norwegian police uniforms in general! Cheers!