Ped Dialogue | Standalone Ped Dialogue


This script enhances your server interactions by replacing old and boring interactions with ped dialog interactions, making everything look more realistic and engaging. Imagine talking to peds that feel alive, with customizable UI, smooth animations, and a responsive design that fits any screen. You can open ped menus using keyboard shortcuts, target systems, or your own custom triggers, making integration seamless.

For those looking to take it a step further, the advanced version adds voice to the conversation, making peds speak, and includes dynamic buying and selling menus with changing prices, making the market feel more alive. This script creates an immersive and dynamic experience for your players, bringing a new level of realism to your server.


  1. Highly Configurable: Customize the script UI, including color scheme, sizes, and other design elements.
  2. Blip Support: Built-in support for adding blips.
  3. Ped Animations: Includes open, close, and idle animations for the ped.
  4. Dialog Menus: Create multiple dialog menus for a more immersive interaction with the ped.
  5. Responsive UI: Adapts to any computer resolution.
  6. Typewriter Animation: Adds a typewriter effect for realistic dialog.
  7. Flexible Integration: Open ped menus using keyboard keys, target systems, or custom solutions, with built-in support for various methods.

Advanced version also includes:

  1. Sound Integration: Add sound files to dialog menus for realistic ped conversations.
  2. Selling and Buying Menus: Built-in menus for item transactions, featuring regular menus with fixed prices and dynamic menus where prices change within given time and price ranges.
  3. Framework Compatibility: Easy integration with any framework using the provided documentation.


Requirements (Only for Advanced version)
The script does not require any specific systems; everything can be configured to work with your own scripts. These requirements are to inform you that we do not include these services within the Ped Dialog script, and you will need to have your own implementations.

  • Inventory - can be configured to any inventory system, even your custom one.
  • Server callbacks


Free Version

Paid Version (Advanced)

Free Version Only the main client-side file is escrow locked
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~400 + Frontend (500)
Requirements None
Support Yes
Advanced Version Main client-side and server-side files are escrow locked
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~950 + Frontend (900)
Requirements Listed above
Support Yes
  • Free releases: Releases that are released for free must contain a download other than Tebex (such as a direct download or GitHub). You may include a Tebex link but it must not be the only download.
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Thanks for letting me know. Even though the script is free, we don’t provide access to the main client-side file. Therefore, the only way for people to download it is through Tebex.

You need to put other link to download the script, not just tebex, is the rules.

Staff has approved this thread, so everything is fine. Thanks for your concern :slight_smile: . The rules are for threads that are marked as “FREE” this is one is marked as “PAID”.

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Its marked as paid, but you have a free release here, thats why people are complaining. And they just approve the posts even if some bullshit is there, and after that they look at them sometimes from what I know.

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