I am messing around with this nitro script: Advanced Nitro System
And i am trying to change the particle effects when using nitro to something like the picture below:
I believe this is the nitro flame particle (not color) that is being used on Koil’s NoPixel Server
Any help will be much appreciated
I have tried to use the Particles Tester By DashMauzi
to find it one by one but i couldn’t get it to work since it has been developed for Linux Based Systems.
problem solved check my code here: GitHub - zack-kyria/sw-nitro: sw-nitro modification (NoPixel Like)
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So update to my own thread in case somebody needs it in the future and maybe can hop in and help!
I found the specific nitro particle.
It is located in
Particle Directory: veh_xs_vehicle_mods
and the particle name is: veh_nitrous
i can’t seem to make it show tho.
I tried using the:
functions but it didn’t work
I also read somewhere that you need to flag the vehicle as
and tried it and it didn’t work
Any help is really appreciated
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September 12, 2021, 5:57pm
I do it with these three natives:
SetVehicleBoostActive(myVehicle, true)
SetVehicleRocketBoostActive(myVehicle, true)
SetVehicleNitroEnabled(myVehicle, true)
also your vehicle.meta needs to match some settings, I haven’t figured out which exactly so I just copy the ones from a normal vehicle in GTA
edit: where did you get that screenshot from? yt video? if so, which? i want to see how they look
The problem is, i believe Advanced Nitro System by Deltanic
already has these natives cause it uses veh_backfire
as the default nitro particle and it works perfectly.
The video is this: https://streamable.com/r4dp1i
Discord link and tag put on the title don’t work so i couldn’t contact the creator in any way to get help.
That’s why i am asking here
September 12, 2021, 7:05pm
Yes but the natives I sent you use the original nitro from GTA:O
have you managed to get the particle to work for yourself?
September 12, 2021, 7:32pm
Yes, using the natives from my first post
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alright i will try it and let you know
I had some syncing issues but i managed to fix them!
September 13, 2021, 11:10am
Great, I’ve never looked too much into it since I stopped, but how did you fix the syncing issues? Force it on every client for that vehicle?
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Advanced Nitro System Already has a sync function, i just placed the natives you gave me on the wrong file and it wasn’t syncing.
So i just placed them on the ptfx client script which led to it syncing with every client.
Deltanic’s code is pretty easy to understand if you are interested
September 13, 2021, 11:57am
Yes I know it is easy to understand, I’ve used it, I just stopped because it spams events and overall performance isn’t great.
Glad I could help
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BTW for it to work it needs
ptfxasset name to be set to the particle directory!
Like This:
September 19, 2021, 9:52pm
Oh that’s lovely to know, any way you can tell me how to change the nitro’s color to match yours?
November 4, 2021, 5:58pm
Dude can you find? This nitro system
sorry for the delayed response. I posted my sw-nitro version above. you can take the nitro flame from there
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February 16, 2022, 1:55pm
hey, i was wondering how you replace the bone location for purge from bonnet to front bumper. i try changing the bone to “bumper_f” but its not working. i wonder if you can help me out thanks
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haven’t tried to do something like this but i would assume that if you head over to the purge.lua file and change ‘bonnet’ to ‘bumper_f’ in line 49 it should work but might be wrong offset? (not sure)
Maybe the purge works but needs to have the coords adjusted on lines 55-56
try it and come back
February 24, 2022, 11:42pm
what is the particle name of the flames on the exhaust that u showed in that photo? ( the one with the blue nissan r35)