Founded in 2020, the Palm Beach Roleplay server is putting members at the core of what we do as a community, from being a welcome, friendly place to roleplay in, to having a considerate fun and helpful team of hard working and professional administrators who strive to meet our vision where everyone can focus on socializing and building friendships whilst all having a fun time in a roleplay friendly environment.
At Palm Beach roleplay we are utilising a excellent cad in cadvanced, with a easy simple-to-use interface and intuitive unit despatching firmly puts CADvanced in the list of user friendly CADs available on the market today.
Palm Beach Roleplay is a fully whitelisted server with an easy to navigate application system and a fun interactive training session, we utilise EUP and Custom liveries to maintain a feel for
realism and to differentiate ourselves from other servers.
Our departments include the Los Santos Police Department, San Andreas Highway Patrol, Blaine County Sheriffs Office and San Andreas Fire Department, each department works towards producing
detailed monthly reports and aims to achieve the best results.
We offer training and support to members who are looking to improve there existing knowledge or alternatively begin their FiveM experience, with a team of experienced and diligent trainers.
To ensure all players feel involved and included we have a panel of active members of staff consisting of administrators from various European and North American countries,
they are available to talk if you have a question, query or something else entirely.
We also offer a website (link below) where we can communicate and inform all personnel of changes to the server, its departments or any other administrative changes.
Palm Beach Roleplay is a server that allows you to escape the daily burden and stress of every day life by playing with people who all share a similar passion for roleplaying the law enforcement and first responders within the State of San Andreas.
So let’s explore your imagination and act out different scenarios within our loving and welcoming community.
Our discord: Discord
Our Website: Palm Beach Roleplay
Please see some photos below.