[PAID][YMAP]Valentine - Law office

This here is my first map that I am putting out there and I hope the people like it, or have constructive criticism to give. :grinning:
Posted images were taken with shaders but the showcase video shows the map without shaders, plus what it looks like during the day and at night.

If you plan to purchase this, 2 files will be emailed to you. One is the shell (In the case that you want to decorate it yourself or set it up as a house) and the other contains the furniture. If you want it to look like how the video/pictures look, you will need to stream both files. :slight_smile:

:orange_heart: Purchase through Tebex $10 :orange_heart:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) MAP
Requirements No
Support Yes

Still up in the shop incase anyone likes it ^^

Bump :orange_heart:

Bump :heart:

A little bump to update that Tebex store in now working again.