DeeP-Scripts | Yacht Robbery
Make your user experience better !
(+) Script features
- Fully and highly configurable resource (ESX and QBCore)
- Fully optimized (0.0ms when not close to Yachts!)
- When the robbery is started, all the players in the yacht radius can participate the robbery.
- When the robbery is started, if one of the players RUN, cops will be called earlier. The player(s) is(are) responsable for each action(s) he(they) make!
- You can add as many Yachts as you want !
- Players will get an item as reward or money as you’d like ! (configurable in the config).
- If you’ve configured an item as reward, you can also activate a Reseller NPC (which can be also configured). This NPC will allow them to resell the reward item for black money or cash (ESX) and cash for QBCore (as QBCore does not support black money)
Buy at Tebex (9.50€ + Taxes). Script encrypted with ESCROW (CFX Encryption) and sold on Tebex only. We will not sell this resource OpenSource !
Most selled resource: Tattoo Shops for ESX & QBCore
Feel free to ask for any question on this topic!
- DeeP-Scripts
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | Yes/No |
Lines (approximately) | 650 |
Requirements | ESX or QBCore |
Support | Yes |