[PAID] vsShopSystem

[PAID] vsShopSystem


You want to automate your Tebex store so that your players can redeem their purchases independently in-game.

The vsShopSystem offers you exactly that. Your shop is fully automated and you can easily track all transactions via a log.

With a little programming knowledge you can include any FiveM item or car into the system.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have!

Link to the Showcase Video

[Buy it here]
TEBEX: vsShopSystem


Config = {}
Config.Version = true -- select your esx version (true = old esx version)

-- Command for redeeming the purchased item
Config.CommandName = "tbx" -- command name

-- Cooldown Settings
Config.CommandCooldown = 30000 -- in milliseconds
Config.EnableCooldownMessage = true -- cooldown message
Config.CooldownMessage = "Please wait a moment before you can use the command again." -- message when the cooldown is active

-- Webhook Settings
Config.EnableWebhook = true
Config.Webhook = ""
Config.ShowIPAdress = false -- display ip address in the logs

Config.WebhookTitle = "vsShopSystem"
Config.WebhookMessage = "The following transaction number was redeemed:"

Config.WebhookName = "VibeScripts"
Config.SubTitle = "vsShopSystem V 1.0.0"
Config.Avatar = ""

-- Tebex Settings
Config.TebexSystem = {
    [1] = {
        labelName = "100x Wasser", -- can be any used for orientation only
        executeRedeemedClient = function()
        executeRedeemedServer = function(xPlayer)
            xPlayer.addInventoryItem('water', 100)
    [2] = {
        labelName = "name change", -- can be any used for orientation only
        executeRedeemedClient = function()
        executeRedeemedServer = function(xPlayer)
            xPlayer.addInventoryItem('namechange', 1)
    [3] = {
        labelName = "buy car", -- can be any used for orientation only
        executeRedeemedClient = function()
            local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))

            ESX.Game.SpawnVehicle("zentorno", vector3(playerCoords.x, playerCoords.y, playerCoords.z), playerCoords.h, function(vehicle)
                TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), vehicle, -1)
        executeRedeemedServer = function(xPlayer)

-- Notify Settings
Config.Redeemed = "Thank you for your support."
Config.NoFoundId = "Nothing was found for the id."

message = function(txt)


Idle: 0.00-0.00ms
Work: 0.00-0.00ms

[FiveM Asset Escrow System]
This script is using the Asset Escrow system.
Click here to know more about it.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 220
Requirements ESX
Support Yes