[PAID] vsEvidenceDelivery

[PAID] vsEvidenceDelivery


The vsEvidenceDelivery system offers an exciting transport delivery of the confiscated items in addition to a normal evidence room system.

This unique system creates new roleplay opportunities and fun for your players in a system never seen before.

Link to the Showcase Video

[Buy it here]
TEBEX: vsEvidenceDelivery


Config = {}

Config.Version = true -- select your version (true = old version)

Config.Locale = 'en' -- change language
Config.Key = 38 -- is E
Config.Align = 'top-left'

Config.DrawDistance = 2 -- distance to draw 3D Text
Config.InteractDistance = 2 -- distance to interact

-- size of 3d text (the black-box)
Config.FillWidthText = 20
Config.FillAccessText = 8
Config.FillDeliveryText = 30
Config.FillPickupText = 30

-- Settings for the Car
Config.DeleteVehicle = 10 -- after how many minutes should the vehicle delete itself?

-- Settings for Weapons
Config.UseWeaponItem = false -- If your weapons are items set this to true

-- Settings for the raid
Config.MaxDrop = 20 -- how many items are on the floor as a package (e.g. 100 cell phones are delivered then 5x 20 items will be on the floor) || Important: At least 1

-- message function to trigger your own notification (client)
    function message(txt)

Config.Evidence = {
    police = {
        --basic settings
        datenbank = "vsevidence", -- IMPORTANT you must add a new datenbank for a new Job
        deliveryAnyone = false, -- request delivery everyone or just the boss
        deliveryWhichRank = 4, -- grade from which rank you can request a delivery (only needed if deliveryAnyone = false)

        -- npc settings
        npc = {
            [1] = {
                Position = vector4(461.8120, -979.2249, 30.6896, 142.5698), -- npc loction
                Type = 'csb_cop' -- npc type (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/)
        --[[   Example (You can add anymore NPC)
            [2] = {
                Position = vector4(1210.2252, -3053.8467, 5.8654, 62.6562), -- npc loction
                Type = 'csb_cop' -- npc type (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/)

        deliveryNPC = {
            Position = vector4(458.8126, -1026.8282, 28.4263, 65.7472), -- npc location
            Type = 'csb_reporter', -- npc type (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/)

        -- other settings

        coords = { -- coords settings
            startLocation = vector2(458.8126, -1026.8282), -- position where delivery starts
            deliveryLocation = vector3(-1642.4161, -3182.8293, 13.9908), -- position where delivery ends
            spawnVehicle = vector4(423.0152, -1017.7780, 29.0581, 91.4026) -- position where the transporter spawns

        menu = {
            seeEvidence = true, -- Can you look at what's in the evidence room?
            canSeeEveryone = true, -- Can any employee look at the evidence room?

            getoutManually = true, -- Is it possible to manually remove something from the aserver data chamber?
            getoutEveryone = false -- Can any employee take anything out?

        limits = { -- limit settings
            evidenceLimit = 1000, -- How many items fit in the evidence room?

        time = { -- time settings
            fromHour = 0, -- from ... you can start the delivery
            toHour = 24 -- until ... you can start the delivery

        -- singel options
        bribeName = "evidencePhone",
        payOption = "money", -- money or bank
        bribePrice = 500, -- bribe price

        vehicleSpawnName = "terbyte", -- vehicle spawn name (from the transporter)

    }, -- you can add anyone more jobs and delivery

Config.EditVehicle = function(vehicle) -- Here you can independently customize the car for the weapon delivery (e.g. the license plate)


Idle: 0.01ms
Work: 0.02ms

[FiveM Asset Escrow System]
This script is using the Asset Escrow system.
Click here to know more about it.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1320
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

That looks very very nice. Would that ever come on QBCore? And if so, would that be compatible with Quasar Inventory?


Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, this will not be released for Qbcore in the near future.

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kannst du mir vielleicht helfen wie man hier daas kennzeichen macht.
Config.EditVehicle = function(vehicle)


  1. SetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle, “plate - name”)