[PAID][VORP][RSG][QBR] KS Chicken Coop

30.00€ - BUY IN TEBEX

Compatible with: VORP - QBR - RSG

Discover our innovative chicken coop script, offering an immersive experience of raising chickens on your RedM server. Carefully raise your chickens and watch them reproduce. Harvest fresh eggs regularly to sell or use in your recipes.
What’s more, with the option to slaughter the animals, you have the flexibility to manage your farm according to your needs. With a realistic ageing system, your chickens will grow and evolve over time, adding a dynamic dimension to your gameplay.


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:art: Intuitive, modern UI, Custom props.

:alarm_clock: Breeding cycle every four hours.

:house_with_garden: Place your chicken coop wherever you want.

:gear: Fully configurable and easy to translate (En and Fr languages included).

:satellite: Webhook.

:chicken: Add roosters, chickens and chicks to your chicken coop in your inventory.

:woman_farmer: Manage the reproduction of your roosters and chickens.

:hammer_and_wrench: Maintain your chicken coop.

:ear_of_rice: Feed your animals.

:egg: Collect the eggs in your chicken coop.

:hocho: Slaughter your animals before they die of old age.

Client and server files is protected by [Cfx’s Asset Escrow system].

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2500+
Requirements VORPCore or RSGCore or QBRCore
Support Yes

New version v1.0.1 available for Chicken Coop

  • fixed a minor bug in the database call

Hi, will it be available on RSG core?

Hi, I’m working on it, it should be ready in a week or so.

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Hi, are these chickens only able to be managed by their owner? Is their job locking?

Currently, anyone can manage the chicken coop. It’s easier if the owner is away for a few days.

There is no job locker but I can add it if necessary.

New version v1.0.2 available for Chicken Coop

  • Convert to QBRCore and RSGCore
  • Option in the config file to block access to the owner only
  • Possibility of blocking access to a list of jobs
  • Added notification when you are about to take eggs and your inventory is full
  • Admin can delete a chicken coop even if he is not the owner