[PAID][VORP] Crafting

Crafting script

Compatibility: VORP Framework


  • clean design
  • category system
  • EXP system (saving to a custom SQL table)
  • compatible with weapons
  • you can setup prop locked crafts and location locked crafts
  • you can joblock crafts and categories
  • multicharacter support
  • you can define the crafting time for each craft
  • optimised resmon
  • discord log

Wasvendel crafting is the best possible choice when talking about craftmenu script. Nice, clean design, easy configurability and lots of features.

Locked files:

The server.lua and client.lua files are locked with CFX ESCROW. The files events.lua, config.lua are open.


  • Vorp Core
  • MySQL





Craftable item config

  • Crafted items are now indicated by a notification.
  • Location-based crafts can now have a blip assigned.
  • Each item can be individually configured so that, upon crafting, the player who crafted it becomes globally visible on the map for a configurable duration.
  • Now it’s possible to lock categories to specific jobs.
  • A radius blip can also be set for the location and the player performing the crafting.

My other scripts:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1000
Requirements VORP CORE
Support Yes