[PAID] [V2 OUT NOW!] Priorities Cooldown UI - Modern, Most Optimized [ESX]

What’s new in V2?

  • Completely new front end written from scratch with modern and fancy design
  • Very optimized backend
  • Added animations
  • Added exports to check the availability of the heists so that a player could start the heist or not
  • A file included to explain how to use the exports with the heist scripts
  • Now all files are free to edit
  • Availability to adopt your own notifications

Standard Features

  • Very optimized resource with (0.00MS) usage in all conditions and situations
  • Discord Webhooks (Shows when an officer changes the priority status)
  • Very easy to edit config to change (webhooks/commands/required police for each heists)
  • Synced between all players (join/leave/job change)
  • Works with all ESX Versions
  • Support for adding new heists into the UI incase you have no devs.




15 euro just for UI, bro

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This script already exist, and it is free

saying this doesn’t make any common sense and the free ones and completely different and optimized differently and featured differently and the only common between this and the free is that they both work by commands.

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‘Most optimized’? Is there a limit to optimization?


nope the number of functions and natives used in the resource by lua is very few which makes the resource at 0.00 MS in all situations and conditions

it’s not about functions and natives it’s all about what you’re executing inside threads
Also, I’m curious about what’s inside the thread where you’re calculating the number of cops every X seconds, I bet it’s gonna take so much ram server-wise.

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this is all for the threads :slight_smile:

and this is for the whole usage

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So, are you updating the cops when the players connect and when the esx:setjob event is triggered and sending it to the server-side?

btw 0.00 ms on the client side isn’t enough to say my script is optimized. You must check your server-side code as well.

yup thats how it works

also why is this so fucking expensive?
It’s nothing but a simple UI and some basic functions that you could easily copy from other priority scripts.

its made from scratch and the other priorities scripts are actually unoptimized and causes server reliable network overflow timeouts when the players are above 20+ and thats why i created this resource , about the price it might be expensive for you but not for others as it has been sold and the price is demanded depending on the features included and the functionality provided to customers and also the easy accessibility to the config/ adding more robberies.

I’m talking in general, this script shouldn’t cost that high.
Some people will just buy anything, I don’t care how many people you’ve sold them this, but anyone who
knows something about coding will tell you that he can make this script in 10 minutes time.

okey thank you for your useful consideration.

Price Has Been Updated.


I do not understand how these prices are formed. Well, I do - they are just invented on the go.
One thing is you working for a guy. Other thing is you selling these in a bulk.

Not all servers monetize, you know, most of them even do not at all. We do this as a hobby, we live in different countries, where 10$ is a lot of money, and we cannot afford these scripts, simply because they are way too expensive.

I do support payed scripts - they promote more good stuff. But, come on, let’s not make this a business profit goal.

Purchased this loved it !

Looking nice

Ops the first unsatisfied customer with fake account :mending_heart::mending_heart:

Alright so,

This was sold 14 times and none of my customers had and issue or problem.

Whats the functions being done?
Checking police count yes true but this is not what the resource does only.

Synchronizing Priorities between players on join or leave or setting job

And about the UI it is easy and simple so what? Why it has to be complexed for simple info ?

As long as i provide whats wrote in the description and as long as the script is working properly without issues with no problems reported by my customers and as long as everything is same working as in the preview video. I have no worries about anything else. And everyone has the freedom wether to buy or not and nothing is copied exactly. Used some parts from other open respurces? Yeah normal as a developer everyone does that because no matter if you code that part or not they will all do the same task. But as a result this is a new resource and it does not exist for free or even exist at all for esx. Thank you for your consideration :ok_hand:t3: