[PAID] V0dka Bagger

Are you fed up of people meta gaming, giving away locations when they are kidnapped? look no further this is the ultimate solution to your problem.

Attach a bag to a persons head rendering their visibility to be next to none (we allowed for a little bit of visibility so they can walk when you tell them to)

disables map when inside a vehicle/outside a vehicle.

attaches a physical bag to the persons head.

ability to remove the bag from the persons head.

timer based options for allowing a person to be bagged for only x amount of time (set in the config)

Dependencies: ESX

video: Watch script1 | Streamable


TEBEX: Price-: 12usd including tebex fee’s


wtf is a free script, right here


I was unaware there was an existing script for this, the code was written from scratch and has no affiliation with this script at all.

nope im getting fed up of people selling scripts that already been released …

I was unaware there was an existing script for this, the code was written from scratch and has no affiliation with this script at all.

just saying why didnt you look before trying to sell something

could see it being re done and sold for maybe a couple bucks, like the brown paper bag concept. just my opinion thou

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make one where you can mute players like duct tape on their mouth.

unfortunately this is the way FiveM appears to be going, seeing it daily now.

take a look at my other work, you can see from my other work i do not take open source code and modify it or slap a ui on it and sell it, this was built from scratch the other existing system that i was linked at the top of this thread and which knew nothing of… the other system is old,outdated and not supported anymore not only that it covers the full screen so players have to guess where they are walking compared to my version which adds abit of visability, disables hud, has timers for max time a bag should stay on someones head (if enabled in the config), requires items, disables input (if enabled in config) + much more.

so yes… given by my previous work i obviously take code change it and release it… which i can garantee you is not the case feel free to purchase it and check it for yourself none of the code is obfsucate and its not iplocked.

I wasn’t accusing you personally, just stating thats the current state of the forums right now.

I felt targeted given that it was posted on my thread, but i understand where your coming from in regards to the latter

Is it possible to use a black bag or a scarecrow mask or something similar? It would at least look way better than a paperbag.

It is possible to change the bag, you just need to modify the prop that is spawned on the players head and you can set it to what ever you want to.

As for the overlay this can also be changed aswell just change the image file in the html directory and it will apply the same effect as the fading effect around the edges is all done in css

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Hello bro how I can do so that they do not see anything because if they manage to visualize everything

sorry for the delayed reply not been well recently, you would need to go into html folder and open index.html in your editor of choice and remove lines 25 to 28 this will remove the masking that is done on the image and just display the full texture on the screen.

thanks bro

Can I blindfold other players with an item?

can this be used as a standalone?