[PAID] TP Player Stores (Trading Spots)

This script allows you to create trading store locations for the players to rent, pay tax, manage their products which they are going to sell and get all the profit by selling.




:white_check_mark: TP STORES

:white_check_mark: TP Inputs

:white_check_mark: TP Libs

:white_check_mark: TPZ MENU BASE

:white_check_mark: TP Containers (Not shared through CFX, only Tebex) but not as depedency but it is required for storage system if a server owner is interested.

π™΅πšπ™°π™Όπ™΄πš†π™Ύπšπ™Ίπš‚ πš‚πš„π™Ώπ™Ώπ™Ύπšπšƒπ™΄π™³:

:white_check_mark: TPZ-CORE

:white_check_mark: VORP

:white_check_mark: GUM

:white_check_mark: RSG

:white_check_mark: QBCORE


  • Friendly & Unique NUI Design Environment which supports all the screen resolutions.

  • Items metadata and weapons are supported and if there is durability available, it will be displayed on management and products.

  • Blips Management when not renting a trading spot or when it is already rented (color changes, title, sprite).

  • Maximum owned stores limitations with discord role support for allowing some members to be able to have more stores than the default permitted limit.

  • Tax Renting System, a system which can be enabled or disabled based on your preferences, the specified system is taking every x time, the required amount and if the store does not have this amount available, the store will be immediately cancelled by the player’s ownership.

  • Management Menu which containers lot of options, such as changing the store name, description (Displayed with 3DText), withdraw, deposit, add, remove or modify members permissions (all actions have permissions), a webhook adjustment for the store and an extra feature only for VORP, RSG and TPZ-CORE which is a storage system. by TP Containers script support only.

  • Stores also have an extra option to be bought and used only based on specific jobs, those jobs can be added or removed only through a command which you can find them on the configuration file.

  • Config.AccountType which allows you to select what currency (DOLLARS, GOLD) should be used on the stores as main currency for all kind of transactions.

  • Blacklisted items configuration option for preventing some items to be added on the stores (such as ammunition, food, and important items which will break their roleplay).

  • All the CSS NUI Colors (Title, Description, Accounts, Buttons, etc) can be designed through the configuration file than modifying the CSS file manually without knowledge.

  • Discord Roles Support & Framework Groups Support in the configuration file for allowing those players who have the specified group or discord role to create, remove or add jobs to the existing stores.

  • The script will be fully responsive to a huge playerbase, it will not cause any server delays or crashes when having many players online, each store has a list of players when being close to it, the players who are close to this store, will be receiving and requesting updates.

  • Properly saving all data before server restarts or every x minutes (fully configurable).

  • Discord Webhooking.

:x: UI does not support and does not allow opening other UI at the same time, for example, opening Inventory while Store Management UI is open.


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1600+
Requirements TP Stores, TP Inputs, TP Libs, TPZ Menu Base
Support Yes

If the script doesn’t work properly or you don’t know how to set it up properly, the team will happily assist you.

:shopping_cart: Click the following for purchasing it on Tebex

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  1. Added Description System which allows the players who own a store to add a Description 3DText which is always located above the store because they used to place scenes around their stores.

  2. Added Members Management system to invite or remove members, this system will NOT allow them to manage the members or cancel renting but will allow them to manage products or account (menuapi is required after this update for members management) .

NOTE: You have to update all files, including config and database, you don’t have to remove the stores, you can always add in the database manually the new keys which are added

  `description` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
  `members` longtext DEFAULT '[]',



NOTE: Replace all files except config.lua .