[PAID] Taco Shop Job!


A tacoshop Los Santos has wanted for ages, so why not add it today? Get the escrowed version for only $8 or the open source for $18! Whatever you pick, we will help if needed! Just contact my fabulous one man staff team (me) and we will be all set! Im looking forward to see where my scripting career goes. Considering I might be a very “mid” developer. Everything aside, the tacoshop is out! Soo what are you waiting for?!?!


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You can find all scripts here including the beloved taco shop.

All help + instructions, just contact me.

Code is accessible Varies between versions
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements mentioned in readme
Support Yes

Updated to fix some bugs. Maybe I’ll make a bunfle on my tebex for clothing, the script, and maybe a little extra?

Bundle in my shop including open source and custom clothing for only $20


is discord gone?

I quit development. Sorry.

Let me know if you ever do release again would be interested in this for my server!

And I’m back, going to update some things today with my new information, same store though

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