
A metadata mask Item correct images.
Plug and play installation with 1400 masks in a single item.
Support for incorrect slot order: just customize specific mask in the Config as seen below.

Supported Inventories

  • mf-inventory
  • qs-inventory
  • qb-inventory

Default Supported Skin Options

  • Standalone “To use Native Fivem components”
  • esx_skin
  • fivem-appearance Wasabi’s fork


---$$$$$$\ $$\     $$\ $$\   $$\  $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  
--$$  __$$\\$$\   $$  |$$$\  $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ \_$$  _|$$  __$$\\__$$  __|$$  __$$\ 
--$$ /  \__|\$$\ $$  / $$$$\ $$ |$$ /  \__|$$ /  \__|$$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |   $$ /  \__|
--\$$$$$$\   \$$$$  /  $$ $$\$$ |\$$$$$$\  $$ |      $$$$$$$  |  $$ |  $$$$$$$  |  $$ |   \$$$$$$\  
---\____$$\   \$$  /   $$ \$$$$ | \____$$\ $$ |      $$  __$$<   $$ |  $$  ____/   $$ |    \____$$\ 
--$$\   $$ |   $$ |    $$ |\$$$ |$$\   $$ |$$ |  $$\ $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |        $$ |   $$\   $$ |
--\$$$$$$  |   $$ |    $$ | \$$ |\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$\ $$ |        $$ |   \$$$$$$  |
---\______/    \__|    \__|  \__| \______/  \______/ \__|  \__|\______|\__|        \__|    \______/ 
Config = {}
Config.Debug = true
Config.CharScript = false -- false or "esx_skin" or "fivem-appearance" -- Fivem appearance support for  WASABI FORK ONLY https://github.com/WasabiRobby/fivem-appearance -- False For Components standalone
Config.Maskitem = 'mask' -- item 
Config.MaskBoxitem = 'maskbox'

Config.Framwork = 'ESX' -- 'ESX' or "QBCore" 
Config.ESX_Export = true -- use the new ESX Export or the old Trigger Event 
Config.Inventory = 'qs' -- 'mf' 'qs' 'qb'

Config.HideHairAll = true 

Config["Masks"] = {  -- these are custome options 
--[[     ["masks_1_0"] = {
        drawableId = 1, -- Custom Mask Drawable Will ignore the mask name in meta information
        textureId = 0, -- Custom Mask Texture Will ignore the mask name in meta information
        CustomeID = false, -- If you want the custom drawable and texture set this to true, For use when you want to rely on meta information for mask drawable but have custom hair aswell
        SetHair = false, -- Toggle to enable the below custom hair drawables
        SetHair_DrawableId = 0, -- Custom Hair Drawable Will ignore the mask name in meta information
        SetHair_textureId = 1, -- Custom Hair Texture Will ignore the mask name in meta information
    }, ]]

    ["masks_106_24"] = {
        drawableId = 1, -- Custom Mask Drawable Will ignore the mask name in meta information
        textureId = 0, -- Custom Mask Texture Will ignore the mask name in meta information
        CustomeID = false, -- If you want the custom drawable and texture set this to true, For use when you want to rely on meta information for mask drawable but have custom hair aswell
        SetHair = true, -- Toggle to enable the below custom hair drawables
        SetHair_DrawableId = 0, -- Custom Hair Drawable Will ignore the mask name in meta information
        SetHair_textureId = 1, -- Custom Hair Texture Will ignore the mask name in meta information


Dependencies – support for people trying to adapt this will be minimal

GTAV Mask images – the mask images

Commands --Available in Debug Mode


TriggerServerEvent(“SynMask:SpecificMask” ,“masks_1_0”)
TriggerServerEvent(“SynMask:SpecificMask”,"Name Of Mask you want to give the Source client. EXAMPLE: “masks_1_0” ") – GiveSourcePlayer A specific mask

TriggerServerEvent(“SynMask:RandomMask”) – GiveSourcePlayer A Random mask


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 100
Requirements none
Support Yes

What needs to be done for fiveM appearance to work?

If you can present me a with a working Fivem appearance function that changes a specific clothing item and saves it ill do it for you.

 TriggerEvent("skinchanger:getSkin", function(skin)
        if skin.sex == 0 then 
            skin.mask_1 =  v.drawableId
            skin.mask_2 =  v.textureId
            skin.mask_1 =  v.drawableId
            skin.mask_2 =  v.textureId
        TriggerEvent("skinchanger:loadSkin", skin)

Like this^ or you can use standalone by setting it to false in Config.lua but the mask will not be a saved part of your outfit if you do this^

This looks great! wish it could work with qs inventory

Added Support for QS and QB<3.

Thank you so much I will give it a try here very soon, also a question. I recently switched to illenium appearance and I had to remove skinchanger and esx skin but it is still technically there I believe built into illenium appearance or something like that so would I still be okay you think?

And what happened to the non open source version for like $5? I was interested in that one