[PAID] SynHalloween

  • Sacrifice your friends for Candybuckets’s
  • Use Mystical books to summon monsters and demons, and get candy when you kill them.
  • Fog, Lighting effects, SFX, and streamable sounds for summoning and for the item reward system. “It plays snoop dog if it rewards a joint :3”
  • Custom props for books. Includes Necronomicon from evil dead


Config = {}

Config.ESX = true

Config.EventTable = {

	{spawnedState = false ,spawnePentagram = true , 
	coords = vector3( -1732.2958984375,-193.42749023438,58.27470123291 ) , SpawnHours = {23,2} , Fog = false , sound = "ghostvoice.mp3",sound2 = "cod-zombies-evil-laugh.mp3",
	eventType = 'sacrifice', requiredWeapon = 'WEAPON_CULTKNIFE',
	itemreward = "candybucket", itemrewardamountmin = 1, itemrewardamountmax = 5 , text = 'Make Sacrifice[~r~E~w~]',
    Hint = 'You a Need Human Sacrifice'},
	{spawnedState = false ,spawnePentagram = true , 
	coords = vector3( -564.29760742188,1886.5667724609,123.03504180908 ) , SpawnHours = {1,24} , Fog = false , sound = "jumpscare.mp3",sound2 = "cod-zombies-evil-laugh.mp3",
	eventType = 'sacrifice', requiredWeapon = 'WEAPON_CULTKNIFE', 
	itemreward = "candybucket", itemrewardamountmin = 1, itemrewardamountmax = 5 , text = 'Make Sacrifice[~r~E~w~]',
    Hint ='You a Need Human Sacrifice'},
	{spawnedState = false , spawnePentagram = false ,
	coords = vector3( -1140.8489990234,4943.3188476563,222.27731323242 ) , SpawnHours = {23,2}  , Fog = true , sound = "ghostvoice2.mp3",sound2 = "cod-zombies-evil-laugh.mp3",
	eventType = 'sacrifice', 
	itemreward = "candybucket", itemrewardamountmin = 1, itemrewardamountmax = 5 , text = 'Make Sacrifice[~r~E~w~]',
    Hint = 'You Require a Human Sacrifice'},

	{spawnedState = false , spawnePentagram = true ,
	coords = vector3( 736.87628173828,-924.53735351563,24.895587921143 ) , SpawnHours = {23,2}  , Fog = true , sound = "ghostvoice3.mp3",sound2 = "cod-zombies-evil-laugh.mp3",
	eventType = 'summoning', item = 'water',itemModel = "collectible_books_necronomicon",   
	demonmodel = 'Demon',demonWeapon= 'weapon_knife',
	itemreward = "candybucket", itemrewardamountmin = 1, itemrewardamountmax = 5 , text = 'Place Necronomicon[~r~E~w~]',
    Hint = 'You Require The Necronomicon'},

    {spawnedState = false , spawnePentagram = true ,
	coords = vector3( -2078.9973144531,2603.5695800781,2.0303089618683 ) , SpawnHours = {23,2}  , Fog = true , sound = false,
	eventType = 'summoning', item = 'water',itemModel = "collectible_books_spelltomb",  
	demonmodel = 'Bloodsucker',demonWeapon= 'weapon_knife',
	itemreward = "candybucket", itemrewardamountmin = 1, itemrewardamountmax = 5 , text = 'Place Tomb[~r~E~w~]',
    Hint = 'You Require The Spell Tomb'},

	{spawnedState = false , spawnePentagram = true ,
	coords = vector3(1532.2669677734,1688.4822998047,113.37333679199) , SpawnHours = {23,2}  , Fog = true , sound = "ghostvoice.mp3",sound2 = "cod-zombies-evil-laugh.mp3",
	eventType = 'summoning', item = 'water',itemModel = "collectible_books_codexgigas",  
	demonmodel = 'Jason8',demonWeapon= 'weapon_knife',
	itemreward = "candybucket", itemrewardamountmin = 1, itemrewardamountmax = 5, text = 'Place Codex[~r~E~w~]',
    Hint = 'You Require The Codex Gigas'},
	{spawnedState = false , spawnePentagram = true ,
	coords = vector3(-2166.51171875,5197.1743164063,16.920387268066) , SpawnHours = {23,2}  , Fog = true , sound = "cod-zombies-evil-laugh.mp3", sound2 = "cod-zombies-evil-laugh.mp3",
	eventType = 'summoning', item = 'water',itemModel = "collectible_books_bookofdead", 
	demonmodel = 'skeleton', demonWeapon= 'weapon_stone_hatchet',
	itemreward = "candybucket", itemrewardamountmin = 1, itemrewardamountmax = 5,  text = 'Place  The Book Of The Dead[~r~E~w~]',
    Hint = 'You Require The Book Of The Dead'},

Config.CandybucketTable = { -- candybucket payouts
	{itemname = "rolled_joint" , amountMin = 1, amountMax = 5, Sound = "snoopdog.mp3" ,  SoundVolume = 0.5},

	--{itemname = "rolled_joint" , amountMin = 1, amountMax = 5, Sound = "snoopdog.mp3" ,  SoundVolume = 0.5},

Config.RandomReviveLocation = { -- where sacrificedplayers will revive
	{coords = vector3(-1732.8796, -116.0073, 48.6031)}, 
	{coords = vector3( 1518.8663330078,1677.9157714844,109.14115905762)}

--[[ collectible_books_bookofdead
candybucket  ]]

Important Links
Pentagram - I included this in the pack for people that don’t know how to make a YTYP but I did not make the model
The Dagger I use in the video
You can any of these or other sounds. Follow Readme instructions!

Currently ESX only but if people want I will make for qbcore

CultKnife.zip (2.0 MB)
AddonPeds.zip (12.4 MB)

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements ESX
Support Yes