[paid] [standlone] [esx] [qb] system ped | menu of peds! vip ped system!



Easy configuration!

About the script: This script allows you to manage peds in a flexible and customizable way on your FiveM server. It is ESX compatible and adapts without the need for additional settings. Additionally, you can activate, deactivate and optionally delete users who have the peds menu enabled. Ideal for servers looking for detailed control over VIP Users.

Details: gx_peds(v0.0.3)
• Framework (ESX)
• Automatic configuration
• Everything manageable in real time
• Disable the Menu for a user even if they are offline!
• Easy setup!
• Creation date and who enabled the menu!
• Support 24/7!


• Discord Webhook Log
• Design friendly!
• Standlone (ESX/QB)


SCROW $5.00 → click here

others resources (paid)

System Announce

others resources (free)

Gang system
Admin Menu Rework

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +500
Requirements es_extended & ox_lib
Support Yes

Can you lock it and give access to ped to only certain people?
Easy to add new addon Peds?

So say i wanted to give only access to one certain ped or a few peds to a certain , char is that possible?

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Hellloo!!! With this system everything is possible, you can manage even if the user is offline, you can increase peds regardless of the user enabled with access to the peds usage menu.

You can configure the user command and you can configure permissions and management menu command to manage the requests of each user.

I have the PED script , it works but i have a error in back end

Also can we get a English translation for the lang?

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New Version!! U can download in keymaster!

• added language SPANISH and ENGLISH
• change ped label for users :+1:
• standlone of ESX and QBCore :+1:
• effects for changed peds! :+1:
• errors and bugs fixed :+1:
• webhook logs :+1: