RP Commands is a comprehensive Roleplay Essentials script designed to provide a highly customizable toolset, catering to the needs of all roleplayers and server owners. The following features set RP Commands apart from the competition:
Highly customizable unlimited chat commands that can be configured with overhead text, proximity limits, highly customizable outputs, and handle usage management.
- Default Commands, such as; /me, /do, /tweet, /ad, etc
Custom handles that can be saved client-side across servers via KVP, with the ability for staff members to reset player handles.
Staff commands such as clearchat, announce, and trackplayer, to enhance moderating abilities.
Chat, player name, and handle word blacklisting that can be configured with in-game alerts to staff when the blacklist is triggered.
An AFK Kick System that ensures a seamless roleplaying experience.
Vehicle commands, including /dv, /dvall, /trunk, /door, and /hood, that are toggleable to meet specific needs.
Discord Logging via webhooks, fully customizable to suit individual preferences.
Configuration Support in our Discord Server, providing additional support and assistance to all users.
Config Preview;
Where to Buy
Purchase Link: Tebex
Code is accessible | No, Escrowed (Config and Postals Only) |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~2500+ |
Requirements | Onesync |
Support | Yes |