[PAID] [STANDALONE] RPCommands - Roleplay Essentials

RP Commands is a comprehensive Roleplay Essentials script designed to provide a highly customizable toolset, catering to the needs of all roleplayers and server owners. The following features set RP Commands apart from the competition:

  • Highly customizable unlimited chat commands that can be configured with overhead text, proximity limits, highly customizable outputs, and handle usage management.

    • Default Commands, such as; /me, /do, /tweet, /ad, etc
  • Custom handles that can be saved client-side across servers via KVP, with the ability for staff members to reset player handles.

  • Staff commands such as clearchat, announce, and trackplayer, to enhance moderating abilities.

  • Chat, player name, and handle word blacklisting that can be configured with in-game alerts to staff when the blacklist is triggered.

  • An AFK Kick System that ensures a seamless roleplaying experience.

  • Vehicle commands, including /dv, /dvall, /trunk, /door, and /hood, that are toggleable to meet specific needs.

  • Discord Logging via webhooks, fully customizable to suit individual preferences.

  • Configuration Support in our Discord Server, providing additional support and assistance to all users.

Config Preview;

Where to Buy
Purchase Link: Tebex


Code is accessible No, Escrowed (Config and Postals Only)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~2500+
Requirements Onesync
Support Yes