[PAID] [STANDALONE] Realistic Driving 🚗

:red_car: Realistic Driving Experience! :star2:
– Now it is STANDALONE
Supports ESX and QBcore

Get ready for an unparalleled driving adventure with Realistic Driving, the plugin that goes beyond limits to redefine realism! :earth_africa:

  • :boom:Are you tired of enforcing offroad driving rules? Well, this is your answer! No more offroad rules, you are limited by what you set up in the config. If you want your players to go slow offroad and damage their cars, you can do so!
    Or you can just make it harder for them! It is up to you

:sparkles: Key Features:

1. Offroad Adventure:

  • :racing_car: Drift mode for those adrenaline-fueled moments (Fixed! No boost to your car, just hold a buttom to drift!)
  • :boom: Damage system for popped tires and offroad misadventures (Damage to your car is added when your tires are popped, same when you drive offroad agressively with a vehicle not suited for it)
  • :construction: Damage calculated based on speed, ensuring realism
  • :railway_track: Driving Surface Checking for a Realistic Experience:
    • Each vehicle is rigorously assessed to determine its suitability for the terrain it is navigating.
    • Expect realistic vehicle handling; for instance, driving through mud will be challenging, while an SUV or offroad vehicle will provide a much smoother experience.
    • :construction: Terrain Limits: If you exceed the recommended limit, you may temporarily lose control over your vehicle, simulating scenarios like running into a ditch that takes control away for a second. :earth_africa:
    • :red_car: Be careful not to get stuck in mud! Rain creates mud → your vehicle will perform worse offroad!
  • :mountain_snow: Offroad vehicles excel on muddy terrain, providing an authentic offroad feel
  • :national_park: Offroad tires have less grip on normal roads, resulting in slower acceleration
  • :rotating_light: Car damage for pushing offroad limits
  • :cloud_with_rain: Weather Compatibility: Integrates seamlessly with Default QB weather system, making offroading more challenging in rainy, snowy conditions.

2. Manual Ignition System:

  • :key: Manual ignition for that realistic touch
  • :hourglass_flowing_sand: Starting time varies based on vehicle class and engine temperature, easily configurable in the settings (cold engine starts slower… Lamborgini starts faster than an old rusty Mustang)
  • :helicopter: Manual Helicopter Blades Spinup: Blades will start to slowly rotate until the helicopter reaches a certain point, then the engine will start. Prevent helicopter drive-bys by adjusting the spin-up time, from a quick 3 seconds to a patient 999 minutes for added immersion. :clock3::helicopter:
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Easily configurable in the settings

3. Autopilot Magic:

  • :motorway: Autopilot to your GPS waypoint
  • :traffic_light: Follow traffic rules or unleash your inner rebel with aggressive mode
  • :vertical_traffic_light: Auto brake, even honks at pedestrians (sometimes :blush:), and stops at stop lights
  • :notes: Autopilot sound notifications for that immersive experience
  • :vertical_traffic_light: Auto stop at destination for a smooth finish
  • :no_entry_sign: Dead man’s switch for added safety:
    • A timer that checks if you are awake, requesting you to, for example, press a pedal. If you fail to do so, it will slowly stop the car.

4. Vehicle Stability & Customization:

  • :stop_sign: Disable default vehicle tilting in the air or when the car is on its side for a more stable driving experience
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Highly customizable with detailed notes in the config file for easy understanding. :memo::sparkles:

:rainbow: Categories:

  • Autopilot
  • Manual Ignition
  • Offroad Damage/Restriction
  • Drift System

:robot: Easy Integration:

  • Dummy-proof and easy to use
  • Customizable to match your server’s requirements, entire config has notes explaining each setting

Very simple VIDEO showcase

:shopping_cart: Get Realistic Driving now on my Tebex, Or a cheaper Yearly license version

Navigate through any terrain with confidence—Realistic Driving ensures your vehicle responds authentically to every surface, providing a driving experience like never before! :star2:

desc. bade via ChatGPT
Thumbnail provided by Fakyy

Code is accessible Config only
Subscription-based No, sub availeable
Lines (approximately) 1000 +/-
Requirements N/A (Optional QBcore, ESX)
Support Yes

Cooles Script gefällt mir

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It would be nice if there was an esx version

Script by default is standalone, just weather sync is QBcore, I will take a look into ESX weather control later today

reload video without music. cant se…

What weather sync does ESX use?

Just disabling it rn, check a bit later

not sure what you use the weather sync for but if you use it to check if its raining/snowing you can just use

if IsNextWeatherType(‘XMAS’) then to check it.
replacing xmas with the weather you want to check for.

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:star2: **Update Notification: Realistic Driving ** :star2:

Exciting news, drivers! We’re thrilled to announce an update for the Realistic Driving that brings a host of new features and improvements:

:fire: What’s New:

  1. Standalone Operation:
  • Realistic Driving is now a standalone plugin! No more dependencies on QBCore. Enjoy the freedom of seamless integration without additional requirements.
  1. Extended Notification Support:
  • In response to popular demand, Realistic Driving now supports notifications for both ESX and QBCore. Get real-time updates and alerts tailored to your server environment.
  1. Enhanced Performance:
  • We’ve tuned the plugin for better performance, cleaning parts of unneeded code

try to optimize it, consumes 0.02 - 0.03 - inactive and active when you are in the car 0.04 - 0.05 resmon

Optimized one thread
I have it 0 at idle
between 0.02-0.03ms when in use

Pushed the new update as a TEST version

Hi, I set ignition on qbcore server to false in config and the vehicles do not start at all. Do you have any ideas?

Hi, I just pushed an update to the _TEST version
I think you might have the same issue as someone else, so I think this will solve your problem as well