[Paid] [Standalone] OCT-HUD | FIVEM ESX HUD



  • Included Tempomat
  • Enable/Disable Chat
  • Enable/Disable Food and Thirst
  • Enable/Disable Car Speedo
  • Enable/Disable Voice Range
  • Enable/Disable Ammo
  • Enable/Disable Display Locations
  • Enable/Disable Player Count
  • Enable/Disable Player Id
  • Enable/Disable Vehicle Fuel Display
  • Enable/Disable Vehicle Health Display
  • Enable/Disable All the Top Right Money Displays
  • Configure Announce Duration
  • Configure Announce Command and Groups
  • Configure Team Chat Command and Aliases
  • Configure Voice Dots on Voicechat display
  • Triggers for Adding the Notifys to your own scrips


Config = {}

Config.oldEsx = false

Config.getSharedObject = function()
    return exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()

Config.EnableCruiseControl = true
Config.CruiseControlKey = "U"

-- Chat
Config.EnableChat = true

-- Food and Thirst
Config.EnableFood = true
Config.EnableThirst = true

-- Car Speedo
Config.ShowSpeedo = true

--Voice Range 
Config.EnableVoice = true

-- Ammo
Config.EnableAmmo = true

-- Display Locations
Config.EnableLocation = true

-- Top Right Counters
Config.EnablePlayerCount = true
Config.EnablePlayerId = true

-- Speedo extras
Config.VehicleFuel = true
Config.VehicleHealth = true

-- Set on False what you dont want to show in top right
Config.Accounts = {
    Money = true,
    Bank = true,
    BlackMoney = true

-- How long Animations Stay there
Config.AnnounceDuration = 5000

--Command for announce and what groups are allowed to use it
Config.AnnounceCmd = "announce"
Config.AnnounceAllowedGroups = {

-- Teamchat
Config.TeamChatCmd = "teamchat"
Config.TeamChatAliases = {

--Voice Range dots
Config.VoiceDots = 3

-- TriggerEvent("oct_notify",text, title, type, duration)

--TriggerEvent("oct_notify", "This is a test notification", "Test", "Info", 5000)
--TriggerEvent("oct_notify", "This is a test notification", "Test", "Success", 5000)
--TriggerEvent("oct_notify", "This is a test notification", "Test", "Error", 5000)

-- TriggerEvent("oct_announce", text, firsttitle, secoundtitle, duration

--TriggerEvent("oct_announce", [[Event now]], "SERVER", "ANNOUNCE!", 5000)


| Code is accessible | No/Frontend is Open |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 2.835 |
| Requirements | ESX |
| Support | Yes |

1 Like

Why are you releasing the resource that isn’t yours? This carhud is free on github GitHub - serhatalmez/almez-carhud

I got the Design by a Designer called Mikha. Back and Frontend are custom made still

HP bar missing, can you add it too?

40 piek!?