[PAID] [STANDALONE] NigthDream Submix Effects

NightDream Submix Effects!

This script is setting an effect on ing-game sounds with submixes!

If you in helicopter you will get an effect on every sound in game!
Even in water!


Here is the link if the player is not working!

Price: 2.54€ but with tebex additional charges

Script is encrypted via Escrow for more information about escrow click here
Check out our tebex to buy this script!

Code is accessible no
Subscription-based no
Lines (approximately) 30
Requirements Nothing
Support Yes

Sounds nice and for sure the money worth it but … I dont take 30 lines of Codes in a single ressource.

Maybe and i know thats stupid to sell it open source also. and for sure for a higher price.

Good work.

local data = {
    [`default`] = 0,
    [`freq_low`] = 0.0,
    [`freq_hi`] = 10000.0,
    [`rm_mod_freq`] = 300.0,
    [`rm_mix`] = 0.2,
    [`fudge`] = 0.0,
    [`o_freq_lo`] = 200.0,
    [`o_freq_hi`] = 5000.0,

local filter

    filter = CreateAudioSubmix("Heli")
    SetAudioSubmixEffectRadioFx(filter, 0)
    for hash, value in pairs(data) do
        SetAudioSubmixEffectParamInt(filter, 0, hash, 1)
    AddAudioSubmixOutput(filter, 0)

just apply that when player is in heli and boom. free

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Anybody how wants to use this, use it!
But this is right now a small script but it will mouch larger then this!

This will be mouch larger then 30 lines of code!