[PAID][STANDALONE] Mobile Command Center

Sonoran Software Presents: The Mobile Command Center
Purchase Now on Tebex

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SonoranM for FiveM™️ is the ultimate in-game content bundle! Gain access to all of Sonoran’s scripts, vehicles, and new releases for just $19.99/mo! This bundle includes - Sonoran Mobile Command Center, Evidence Camera Power Grid, Shot Spotter, Speed Cameras, and more scripts releasing soon!

Sonoran’s mobile command center enables you to take command like never before. This one-of-a-kind utility vehicle brings endless possibilities!

Expand the pop-out sides for a walkable command center interior. Or, raise the radio antenna and scan the scene with 360 degree surveillance cameras!

Paired with a standalone script, the mobile command center offers an integrated Sonoran Radio repeater and Sonoran CAD ALPR functionality!

The Sonoran MCC includes liveries and templates to provide your community with the most customization possible!

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based Optional
Requirements None
Support Yes

Awesome release :heart:


Great release but the price it costs will never come thugh it :confused:


This product is completely custom from the ground up and had a fair amount of cost to produce. Many have agreed the price is fair considering.

We encourage any communities looking for a more cost-effective option to look into SonoranM, our entire Sonoran Tebex Store in a single subscription. Currently, the subscription is $19.99 a month which brings a lot of value, especially since more releases are on the way!

Check it out if you are interested :slight_smile: https://sonoranm.com

Buddy of mine bought this a while back and I love it but there were two big let downs.

  1. When I saw the size of the thing, I was expecting more detail on the interior. At minimum a toilet.
  2. The watermarks / branding (namely the 3d modeled “SONORAN”) is a bit much.

Maybe something more subtle like Redsaint & Ripples air fresheners?

Just a thought.
Ya’ll have a good day!

Sorry to revive this but I know for a Fact people are not going to pay $100 for a car lol. Most servers I have been in Do not have this