Tebex URL: https://malibu-tech.tebex.io/category/mbt-elevator
Are you looking for an aesthetic solution to properly use your elevators? Are you sick of anti-roleplay teleport?
So, Malibù Tech’s elevator comes in handy!
Thanks to this script you can finally enjoy a (almost) real elevator ride, thanks to a beautiful NUI, working panel and immersive SFX, everything in an easy-configurable and customizable script
- Iakkoise Skyclub pre configured
- Create your own elevators with different floors
- Standalone, no framework dependent
- Choose between marker and target system
- Customizable labels
- Optimized for low CPU usage
- Setup your own target script in the configuration
- Lovely NUI
- Easy configuration with explanatory comments
- Realistic and immersive experience thanks to SFX
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 600 |
Requirements | N/A |
Support | Yes |
Our other releases: MBT Drink Machine
Good looking drink vending machine with NUI