[PAID][STANDALONE] In-Vehicle Radar Display

Sonoran Software Presents: In-Vehicle Radar
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SonoranM for FiveM™️ is the ultimate in-game content bundle! Gain access to all of Sonoran’s scripts, vehicles, and new releases for just $19.99/mo! This bundle includes - Sonoran Mobile Command Center, Evidence Camera Power Grid, Shot Spotter, Speed Cameras, and more scripts releasing soon!

Sonoran’s Radar Display brings new levels of immersion to Police Radars in FiveM! Run radar from within your police cruiser and watch the model update in first person!

This script is integrated with WK_Wars2x Wraith Radar, and allows you to configure it with any police vehicle!

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based Optional
Requirements Sonoran WK_Wars2x (See install documentation)
Support Yes
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Any video preview?

SoonTM to be posted…

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