
Since i’ve been asked multiple times, I give you the Custom Reticle.

I took the ingame reticle, made it a loadable scaleform, and added some goodies while more in next updates are coming :slight_smile:

The script takes 0.0ms in idle and 0.03ms while drawing (for the happiness of the server owners).

The scaleform contains the same functions working in the game’s one + some extras and bugfixes (thanks R*).

For example:

  • Added working “move reticle” to move the reticle around on the screen
  • Fixed coloring of reticle and exposed API
  • Added option to “Show/Hide” the reticle, as originally it was always on screen even when invisible.

:warning::warning: This is not the InGame one as it cannot be handled directly, this is a copy of it + extras, you can disable the one in game by using the export DisableIngameReticle or by using HideHudComponentThisFrame(14) in a loop :warning::warning:

Where to get it?

You can get your own copy here: https://manups4e.tebex.io/package/6471619

How to install

Simply unpack the resource “reticle” into your server’s resources folder and start it in your cfg.
:warning::warning: If you change name to the resource make sure to change name also in your exports calls!!:warning::warning:

The scripts works with exports, here’s the current list of exports available:

Function Description
SetReticleVisible(isVisible) Shows or Hides the Reticle (true,false)
SetReticleType(weaponID, hasAccuracyAnim, hasReticleData, hasCompass, isSniper) Sets the reticle based on WeaponID (weapon hash), scaleform also has values for COCKPIT_VIEW = 1931187857, VULKAN_ROCKET = -807018074, VULKAN_ROCKET_COCKPIT_VIEW = -199376390
SetReticleStyle(myStyle) Changes the reticle style, value is 0 = DEFAULT, 1 = ENEMY, 2 = FRIENDLY, 3 = DEAD, 4 = BUDDY
SetReticleAccuracy(accuracyScalar) Sets the reticle spread (for shotguns), value is float
SetScopeLock(isLocked, lockedStr) Enable or disable Scope lock and sets the related string
SetReticleLockonType(lockOnType) Sets the type of the reticle lock, value can be: -1 = INVALID, 0 = LOCKED_ON, 1 = LOCK_IN_PROGRESS, 2 = LOCKED_ON, 3 = NO_TARGET
SetReticleZoom(zoomLevel) Sets zoom level of the reticle (for sniper weapons)
StartReticleDim(newAlpha) Sets the dim level of the reticle, value is from 0 (invisible) to 100 (full visible)
ResetReticle() Resets the reticle to default values
StartFlashingReticle(r, g, b, a) Starts flashing the reticle to the desired color
StopFlashingReticle() Stops the flashing
SetReticleColor(r, g, b, a) Sets the reticle desired color
SetReticlePosition(newX, newY) Sets reticle position on screen, default value is x = 0.5, y = 0.5
ShowHitMarker(hitmarkerFrame) Shows the Hit Marker (when a player is killed), value is 1 = WHITE, 2 = RED
ShowFriendlyFire(isFriend) Sets the reticle to the friendly fire dim, (grey opaque)
SetCamHeading(heading) Sets the Reticle’s compass to the desired heading, value is heading
ShowSniperHit() Shows the Hit Marker on sniper style
SetAircraftHud(aircraftAir, aircraftFuel, aircraftOil, aircraftVacuum) Sets values to aircraft style
DisableIngameReticle(disableReticle) Disables the InGame Reticle to show only the one in this script

More features and updates will come in the future :slight_smile:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~170
Requirements NONE (at least know what an export is)
Support As Always!
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