[PAID] [STANDALONE] Grappling Hook

rn-grapple is an Standalone addon that aims to provide a more realistic Police Roleplay.

This resource requires some dependencies to work. If you don’t know what you are doing and the code you are trying to change is beyond your skillset please don’t touch the client files!

-Multiple Players can use the item in the same time.
-Range Limit (Can be changed in Config file).
-Core Support (Can be changed in Config file).
-Sound Support (Can be changed in Config file).
-Animations (Can be changed in Config file). Soon…
-Low Ms.
-Escrow System.

-A Brain.
-Little Knowledge in Lua.
-Mythic Notify.


If link doesn’t work: Watch rn-grapple Preview | Streamable


Code is accessible: Yes
Subscription-based: No
Lines: 350
Requirements: mythic_notify, InteractSound
Support: Yes


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Were do i get the brain from?

From your subscription based grappling script that costs you not just $7 but $7 a month. :joy::sob::joy:


Why would u pay subscription on this tho.

where is preview

Soon it will be added to the topic

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Are you using the CFX Escrow system or your own ip lock obfuscation?


From a worm

Rolling own obfuscation/licensing is not allowed

Can you reopen my topic please I removed the license

Please flag the topic


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I still dont unterstand why i need a sub for a grappling hook.

i need to change that

bought it installed it. this is the error im getting. also will show my config.

using ox-inventory is that matters

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no discord or anything to get support? Paid for this earlier today and not working. Sent message and post. Any help please? thanks.

Yes, the script only supports the default ESX inventory system.

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