

Demonstration MATZ FPS Script - YouTube

You can change colors very easily in css file fps.css


  • This script has a consumption of 0.00 - 0.01

`The best fps booster for fivem, we currently have several players with low fps on our servers, and with this script we can help them a lot.

You can buy https://wytz-shops.tebex.io
For support: WYTZ SHOPS

Code is accessible Yes, config and JS
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements No
Support Yes

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This is a free alternative version: GitHub - marshular/MD_FPSBooster: FPS Booster script that utilizes ox_lib.


Hello, thanks for commenting.

I was not aware of this script, but I saw that the code contains functions very similar to those used by me.

but anyone who wants to can use this free version, it will perform very similarly, but with a different interface.

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** :grinning:**