Update 2.2.0 of all versions
- The configuration file has been completely redesigned.
- Added the ability to configure any store. You are no longer limited in the types of stores and their contents.
- Added export to store opening from any other places.
- Added support for Dialogue system.
New configuration file
-- ██████╗░██╗░░░██╗██████╗░███████╗██╗░░░██╗███████╗░██████╗████████╗███╗░░██╗██╗██╗░░██╗
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-- ██╔══██╗██║░░░██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░░╚████╔╝░██╔══╝░░░╚═══██╗░░░██║░░░██║╚████║██║██╔═██╗░
-- ██████╦╝╚██████╔╝██║░░██║███████╗░░╚██╔╝░░███████╗██████╔╝░░░██║░░░██║░╚███║██║██║░╚██╗
-- ╚═════╝░░╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝*/
Config = {}
--If ESX = false and QBCore = false, then Standalone will turn on
--Are you using ESX?
Config.UseESX = true
--Enable this if ESX throws an error: Used the getSharedObject Event, this event no longer exists!
Config.UseESX_lib = false
--Are you using QBCore?
Config.UseQBCore = false
--Interaction Button
Config.ShopOpenButton = 38
--Do you want to be able to rob the cash register?
Config.Robberies = true
--Random robbery time from 10 to 30 seconds
Config.TimeRob = math.random(10,30)
--Random reward for robbery from $50 to $500
Config.MoneyRob = math.random(50,500)
--Interaction Button
Config.RobButton = 23
--Do you want to use the job for robberies
Config.UseJobRobESX = true
--Do you want to use the job for robberies
Config.UseJobRobQBCore = false
--Job for a police
Config.JobPolice = {"police", "unemployed"}
--Job for a robbery
Config.JobRob = {"gang1", "unemployed"}
--Objects for robbery
Config.ObjeRob = {'prop_till_01'}
--Cooldown to robbery
Config.Cooldown = 600000 --10 min
function BlackMarketLocations()
local locationsTable = { --Store locations [Black Market]
vector3(0.6, -1824.3, 28.5),
vector3(679.0, -897.3, 22.4),
vector3(-125.9, 1895.7, 196.3),
vector3(124.9, 6644.6, 30.7),
--Return a random element from the locations table
return locationsTable[math.random(#locationsTable)]
Config.Shops = {
shopName = "24/7", --Store name
interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
blipID = 59, --Blip ID.
blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
blipColor = 25, --Blip color.
blipText = "24/7", --Blip text.
UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
locations = { --Store locations
vector3(25.7, -1347.2, 28.4),
vector3(373.8, 325.8, 102.5),
vector3(2557.4, 382.2, 107.6),
vector3(-3038.9, 585.9, 102.5),
vector3(-3241.9, 1001.4, 11.8),
vector3(547.4, 2671.7, 41.1),
vector3(1961.4, 3740.6, 31.3),
vector3(2678.9, 3280.6, 54.2),
vector3(1729.2, 6414.1, 34.0),
categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
products = {
{ --Category 1
{'orange',"Orange",9,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'bread',"bread",10,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer','Beer v1',4,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer1','Beer v2',22,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer2','Beer v3',25,120}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer3','Beer box',27,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer4','Beer v4',31,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{ --Category 2
{'pizza','Pizza',5,15}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'burger',"Burger",6,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'chips','Chips',3,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'hotdog','Hot dog',7,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'donut','Donut',46,3}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{ --Category 3
{'wrench','Wrench',194,50}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'hammer',"Hammer",191,15}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'toolkit',"Tool kit",250,60}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{ --Category 4
{'boombox','Boombox',610,40}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'fak',"First aid kit",252,20}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'fishingrod',"Fishing rod",207,200}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'gear',"Gear",208,35}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'drone',"Drone",779,800}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
shopName = "Robs Liquor", --Store name
interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
blipID = 59, --Blip ID.
blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
blipColor = 25, --Blip color.
blipText = "Robs Liquor", --Blip text.
UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
locations = { --Store locations
vector3(1135.8, -982.2, 45.4),
vector3(-1222.9, -906.9, 11.3),
vector3(-1487.5, -379.1, 39.1),
vector3(-2968.2, 390.7, 14.0),
vector3(1166.0, 2708.9, 37.1),
vector3(1392.5, 3604.6, 33.9),
vector3(-1393.4, -606.6, 29.3),
vector3(-559.9, 287.0, 81.1),
categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
products = {
{ --Category 1
{'orange',"Orange",9,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'bread',"bread",10,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer','Beer v1',4,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer1','Beer v2',22,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer2','Beer v3',25,120}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer3','Beer box',27,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer4','Beer v4',31,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{ --Category 2
{'pizza','Pizza',5,15}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'burger',"Burger",6,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'chips','Chips',3,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'hotdog','Hot dog',7,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'donut','Donut',46,3}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{ --Category 3
{'wrench','Wrench',194,50}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'hammer',"Hammer",191,15}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'toolkit',"Tool kit",250,60}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{ --Category 4
{'boombox','Boombox',610,40}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'fak',"First aid kit",252,20}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'fishingrod',"Fishing rod",207,200}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'gear',"Gear",208,35}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'drone',"Drone",779,800}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
shopName = "LTD Gasoline", --Store name
interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
blipID = 59, --Blip ID.
blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
blipColor = 25, --Blip color.
blipText = "LTD Gasoline", --Blip text.
UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
locations = { --Store locations
vector3(-48.5, -1757.5, 28.4),
vector3(1163.3, -323.8, 68.2),
vector3(-707.5, -914.2, 18.2),
vector3(-1820.5, 792.5, 137.1),
vector3(1698.3, 4924.4, 41.0),
categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
products = {
{ --Category 1
{'orange',"Orange",9,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'bread',"bread",10,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer','Beer v1',4,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer1','Beer v2',22,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer2','Beer v3',25,120}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer3','Beer box',27,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'beer4','Beer v4',31,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{ --Category 2
{'pizza','Pizza',5,15}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'burger',"Burger",6,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'chips','Chips',3,12}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'hotdog','Hot dog',7,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'donut','Donut',46,3}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{ --Category 3
{'wrench','Wrench',194,50}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'hammer',"Hammer",191,15}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'toolkit',"Tool kit",250,60}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{ --Category 4
{'boombox','Boombox',610,40}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'fak',"First aid kit",252,20}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'fishingrod',"Fishing rod",207,200}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'gear',"Gear",208,35}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'drone',"Drone",779,800}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
shopName = "Black Market", --Store name
openCooldown = 600000, --10 min
statusCooldown = false, --10 min
interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
blipID = 429, --Blip ID.
blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
blipColor = 2, --Blip color.
blipText = "Black Market", --Blip text.
UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
allowedJobsInteraction = {"test", "unemployed"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
locations = {BlackMarketLocations()}, --Store locations
categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
products = {
{ --Category 1
{'weed','Weed',14,100}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'bag','Bag',17,10}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'gloves','Gloves',-3,3}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'bong','Bong',62,5}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
{'binoculars','Binoculars',63,200}, --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
Config.Translation = {
['menu'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~g~interact',
['buy1'] = 'You bought: ~g~',
['buy2'] = ' ~w~- ~g~$',
['nomoney'] = '~r~You do not have enough Money!',
['noaccess'] = '~r~Bro, get out of here!',
['robbery1'] = 'Press ~g~F~w~ to rob',
['robbery2'] = 'You stole: ',
['robbery3'] = '~g~$',
--exports.Burevestnik_shops:bur_open_shop_by_id(1) --where the number is the store id
Contact me if you have any questions.