[PAID][STANDALONE] Circle and Line Progressbar

AFU.Progressbar :heart_eyes:

  • Add a button blocking function

  • Has two type of progress bar (Circle and Line)

    Screenshot 2023-12-05 055645

  • Able to draw progress bar on entity

  • Able to add animations

  • Able to add props and set position of prop to ped entity

  • Able to insert images

  • Able to insert a model or create a model while loading

  • Able to block buttons during loading

  • Able to add a function when starting to load

  • Enter a function when the loading is successful

  • Enter a function When loading is possible

  • You can enter a function when loading fails. (Players press cancel)

  • Can be customized to unload when dead

  • Can change the loading tube style

  • Can add default images such as city logos

  • Useful for done with items like food, repair kit, bandage heal or etc. Upon to you customized

  • Can set key to progressbar and use export for block another event or player action by progressbar key

  • More customizable than mythic or general loading tubes

Example of code

        type = 'circle_image',
        key = 'selling_lsd',
        image = 'lsd.png',
        description = text,
        duration = time,
        canCancel = false,
        cancelWhenDead = true,
        disableControl = {
            movements = true,
            mouse = true,
            combat = true,
            all = true
        options = {
            freeze = false,
            animation = {
                dict = 'missheist_agency3aig_24',
                name = 'agent02_whats_wrong_left',
                onlyUpper = false,
                duration = 5000
            object = {
                model = 'p_gaffer_tape_s',
                attachPosition = {
                    Bone = 6286,
                    Pos = vec3(0.04, -0.12, -0.04),
                    Rot = vec3(-78, -4, -14),
                    RotOrder = 0,
        onStart = function()
            -- print('started')
        onStop = function()
        onCancel = function(...)
        onSuccess = function(...)
        tick = function(successCallback, cancelCallback)
            -- print('tick')

Properties of progress bar

props : table
    props.key : string (optional)
    props.type : string (required) 'normal' | 'circle_image'
    props.title : string (optional)
    props.description : string (optional)
    props.image : string (optional)
    props.duration : number (optional)
    props.drawOnEntity : entity (optional)
    props.tick : function (optional)
        * initial function
        * successCallback : function (optional) // can pass any arguments
        * cancelCallback : function (optional) // can pass any arguments

    props.onStart : function (optional)
    props.onStop : function (optional)
    props.canCancel : boolean (optional)
    props.cancelWhenDead : boolean (optional)
    props.cancelWhenGetDamage : boolean (optional)
    props.disableControl : table (optional)
        props.disableControl : table (optional)
        props.disableControl.movements : boolean (optional)
        props.disableControl.mouse : boolean (optional)
        props.disableControl.combat : boolean (optional)
        props.disableControl.all : boolean (optional)
    props.options : table (optional)
        props.options.freeze : boolean (optional)
        props.options.animation : table | string (optional)
            props.options.animation.dict : string (required)
            props.options.animation.name : string (required)
            props.options.animation.onlyUpper : boolean (optional)
            props.options.animation.duration : number (optional)
            props.options.animation.clearImmediately : boolean (optional)
        props.options.object : table (optional)
            props.options.object.model : string | hash (required)
            props.options.object.attachPosition : table (required)
                props.options.object.attachPosition.Bone : number 
                props.options.object.attachPosition.Pos : vector3
                props.options.object.attachPosition.Rot : vector3
                props.options.object.attachPosition.RotOrder : number

Some video and images preview

Tebex | Buy this cheese!

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Requirements No
Support Yes
![Screenshot 2023-12-05 055645 567x427](upload://5sNXrJb0e2kQAJrQYcyXgLlwT8L.png)

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Forgot to publish store sry Iā€™m just new!. Now store available ty for mentioned :rofl: