[PAID] [Standalone] AutoLivery

:warning: Information

Force Livery’s on Vehicles when Spawned
AutoLivery revolutionizes your FiveM roleplaying experience by automating police vehicle livery selection. Forget the hassle of manually setting liveries for each spawned police vehicle. With AutoLivery, your police fleet will automatically be fitted with the right livery every single time, letting you focus more on patrolling and less on micromanaging your vehicle settings. (Not only for police vehicles, can be configured for any vehicle.) Very Easily Integratable.

:hammer_and_wrench: Features

  • Automatically Place Specific Livery on Vehicle Spawn
  • Configure any Vehicle

:inbox_tray: Purchase


| Code is accessible | No (except config) |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 120 |
| Requirements | None :slight_smile: |
| Support | Yes |


post is breaking fourm rules

How come??

Great script, and I mean it! Just bought this for my server and it is such a help. Within my server I have many liveries on my vehicles like a supervisor, trooper, unmarked, and ghosted. It sucks when kids don’t know what they are doing and run the supervisor livery because it spawns in with it. This script prevents that as it spawns in with the livery I want it to. Thank you so much for making this!

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Discord is not allowed in fourm post i believe. I see you updated it

Ahh Yes! That was fixed. I am aware :slight_smile: