[PAID] SpellBook - Destruction

*Ever wanted to become one with the supernatural world? *

Tebex - Frsk Scripts | Frsk SpellBook - Destruction Script (tebex.io)

SpellBook Resource for RedM

This resource introduces a dynamic Spellbook system for RedM servers, enhancing gameplay with elements such as mana management, a mana altar for regeneration, and penalties for mana depletion.
with a complete custom UI for the mana pot, keeping it looking fresh and natural within your current UI


  • Mana Consumption: Players use mana for various magical actions. Ensure not to deplete mana entirely to avoid penalties.
  • Regenerate at Mana Altar: When mana levels are low, visit the designated mana altar at the coordinates specified in the configuration. The location is marked by a blip on the map when mana is critically low.
  • Death Penalty: If a player’s mana reaches zero and continues to overextend their use, they will face a fatal penalty as a deterrent against reckless spellcasting. (limited to how many times you can do this)

Developer Notes

  • Customization: Developers can customize the mana threshold, regen rates, and more in the config.lua / client.lua file for tailored gameplay.
  • Dependencies: This resource is standalone and does not require any external dependencies. However, integration with other systems like health or custom player stats may require additional modifications.

pick up a book and reek Havok with fire and lighting + MORE !

Preview! - (25) Frsk SpellBook - Destruction, a RedM Script! - YouTube

Mana Bar

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 485
Requirements None!
Support Yes
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i purchased this script and its not letting me join the discord

Hey you should of received a email with a new discord link + I replied to the YT comment with one :slight_smile: