[PAID][SCRIPT][MAPPING] Dam landact/complex


Hello world !

After a long time without FiveM, here we are back with this new package MLO+SCRIPT !
This mapping has been made by @CowBoY_Mapping and the script by your humble servant :blush:
Doors and platform are fully synced and many configuration options are available on the fxmanifest.lua file, access to the complex is protected by a PIN code on a hidden keypad.
PINs can be changed in game with a master PIN (show README for more informations).

You can show it in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIJPSAy6tiA

Resmon on the platform while moving:

Think to read the README file to have more information about configuration.

Available on our shop: https://glorious-rp.tebex.io/category/1724365

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 5670
Requirements bob74_ipl
Support Yes

Looks pretty decent (I think, it’s hard to tell with that GIANT Cowboy Mapping logo covering an entire quarter of the screen…) Also, the giant Cowboy Mapping sign inside the MLO? I feel like 60 is a little high for this but also recognize there was a good amount of work involved with this, but can’t bring myself to pay that much for something like this with the dev’s giant logo in plain sight inside the MLO.


Good evening and thank you for your comment. For information, the logos can be easily modified via “YTD”.


Yes all logo can be replaced, it’s to allow to customize the complex interior for all of your organizations or gangs :wink:

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would be cool if there was a free one of this

Please add the bunker thats similar to this, at mt chilliad!