[PAID] Richamn Hotel Room, Los Santos | MLO

The interior was made for a friend. Decided maybe someone will need it for the project. These apartments can be used as a room using the parallel world of GTA 5. (example with apartments from Online)
Overview in YouTube


Names of Chairs which i use in interior for parsing ur scripts:


Coordinates for teleport:
-1378.645, 279.4696, 82.53714

How to setup it?

  1. Buying it on Tebex.
  2. Check the keymaster after purchase and download the asset. ( Sometimes it takes several hours for a request to be processed. )
  3. Put folder in resources ur server.
  4. Add in server.cfg it: start qnx_hotel_room
  5. Save server.cfg and start server.
  6. Enjoy.

Tebex Link for buying
Tebex Link store
Author: QNX

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements FiveM
Support Yes

Previous projects:
[PAID] The University of San Andreas | MLO
[PAID] Small warehouse for the hospital instead of sheriffs | MLO


Very cool, it’s one room or complete hotel with this interior?

Thats only one room. A friend advised me to cleanly make a teleport number from the hall.