[PAID] [RELEASE] zStabilisation

Introducing zStabilisation , This resource allows for a realistic and more in-depth experience when it comes to stabilising vehicles. This resource does not freeze any vehicles but instead requires the effective placement of realistic stabilisation equipment to prevent the vehicle from moving. zStabilisation is fully synced between players, meaning all props spawned can be edited and deleted by anyone. zStabilisation further includes a sandbox-style prop spawner, allowing you to precisely place equipment where you need it.

● Wide range of realistic models, each suited to a certain task.
● Sandbox style prop spawner, allowing precise placements of props
● Network synchronisation, allowing clients to edit and delete placed props
● Simple easy settings file allowing customization and whitelisting

Included Props

● Stabfast Stabilisers
● Paratech Vehicle Shoring Struts
● Step Chocks / Blocks
● Salvage Sheets / Tarps
● HGV Platform (Various Sizes)
● Plastic Cribbing Wedges (Various Sizes)
● Plastic Cribbing Blocks (Various Sizes)

This resource may be used independently and is not dependent on any other frameworks.

Mini Trailer :https://youtu.be/CbNd1llmKCI
Purchase Here: https://zea-development.tebex.io/package/5606274

This Package is protected by FiveM’s escrow system

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 800
Requirements N/A
Support Yes